Y/n Saves Marcel From Being Bullied

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"So how do you like it here so far?" Merissa asked you as she showed you the way to your next class. She had been assigned to help you find your way around this morning and she had proven to be a possible new friend.

"Well it's a tad bit confusing." You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. You had decided to leave it natural today seeing as there was no point in impressing people. You didn't want people only to like you for your clothing.

"I know." She gushes and steers you in the right direction. "It was when I was a freshman."

You wish that you could have come to this highschool when you were a freshman. Then you wouldn't look stupid being a junior and having no clue as to where you're going.

"Have you lived here all your life?" You ask Merissa, assuming that she had. You and your family had moved twice in your lifetime.

"Actually yes. I'm not sure if that's sad or not because this is actually a pretty great town." She smiles.

"Oh, neat. Maybe you could..." You start to say something, but immediatly forget the words when you hear a commontion down the next hallway.

"Shut up. No one cares. We all know that your a loser." Someone said loudly. Another voice started to laugh. You crept around the corner, a faint whimpering getting closer.

"What the hell are you looking at?" A tall, muscular boy spits at you. He's got a smaller, thinner boy by the front of his button down shirts collar.

"Um, I could ask the same thing. Let him go." You crossed your arms over your chest and walked towards the boys. The one that was holding onto the boy turned to look at what you assumed to be his partner in crime and smirk.

"Ha. What are you trying to do? Stand up for this nerd?" The partner says.

"It looks that way doesn't it."You counter.

"Who do you think you are?" The one holding onto the terrified boy's shirt lets go and stands up straight. The other sinks to the ground as the partners in crime walk towards me.

"I'm Y/n L/n. Who the hell are you?" You stand your ground as they come toward you. You've never been one to put up with bullies.

"Well, Y/n. I'm Jack and this is Luke." The muscular one points the partner. Luke is taller than Jack.

"Cool. Now get out of here before I start screaming." You glare at them.

"Fine. But we are only going because we're spent." Luke snickers and follows Jack down the hallway.

"Assholes." You mutter and look at the boy sitting on the ground. His hair is disheveled and his shirt is ruffled.

"You okay,guy?" You walk towards him and offer your hand. He nods his head and takes your hand,standing up. He's taller than you, almost as tall as that Luke guy.

"I-i...uh, well, uh, t-thank you." He manages to say while fixing his broken glasses. They seem to be split in the middle. They look kind of like Harry Potter's glasses only bigger and still broken.

"You're welcome. Do they do this to you all the time?" You asked concerned that this boy has been through worse.

"Y-yeah. It's okay though. I'm still alive." He lets out an awkward laugh.

"No it's not. Have you told anyone?"

"No one cares." He mumbles and looks down at his shirt. It's been pulled out from under the brown vest he was wearing.

"I do." He looks down at you through his broken glasses.

"B-but, I don't even know you. And you don't even know me."

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