Open Up To Me {Part One of Three}

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~Hi everyone! This idea came from the lovely Deadinside45, so make sure to give credit where credit is due! Here is part one of the triology for Open Up To Me! I hope you enjoy :)~

"Y/n, let's go!" Your mother yells up the stairs before resuming talking into her cellphone. She was always on it chatting with her friends or buisness associates. It was a wonder how she still had enough time to drive you to school every morning.

You sigh and toss off your covers, the fall to the floor and you shrug, deciding that you'll pick them up later. You pace back and forth on the floor to warm up your muscles from their sleep and get them ready for the long day.

Not that there was anything wrong with going to school, actually you quite liked it. It was just that you were constantly walking so much to avoid certain things and people. You weren't really the type to make conversation so you figured that not seeing much of anyone would keep you from that awkwardness.

The alarm clock begins to blare One Direction' s Alive and you walk over and slap the off button, a sudden surge of annoyance overcomes you. You try to shake it off and head to your closet to pick out something for the day. A grey sweater and normal blue jeans catch your eye and you swipe them off the hangers.

Once you're dressed, you grab your bag and head downstairs. You don't even bother checking if all your stuff is there because you know that it is. The stairs end quickly and you find yourself already at the bottom, your mother just around the corner.

"Ready to go now?" She says and tries to smile, but you can tell it's being forced. You don't bother trying to muster up a smile, so you just follow her out of the house and into her little red car.

The drive to school is filled of your mother's constant chatter on the cell phone and no goodbye as you exit the car. It isn't like it bothers you that much anymore, you've gotten used to it now.

Kids walk up to the red doors of the school and go inside. You follow their actions and notice that inside there seems to be a bit of a commotion going on. A weird feeling settles in your stomach as your ears begin to pick up some of the words. You walk closer to the door so you can hear better, but you make sure to keep your distance.

"Oh, um hello there? What's your name?" A shaky voice says.

"I'm Jake Grunt. This is my buddy Alan Stevens. What's yours new kid?" Jake, the school's notorious bully, says. You recognize his voice and know exactly whats coming.

"I'm Marcel Styles. It's nice to meet you both." The 'new kid' squeaks and you feel bad for the guy even though you can't see him.

"Nice name nerd." Jake laughs and then shoves Marcel. You take in a sharp breath and actually go inside of the building. The crowd, that is now in full hysterics, starts to dissolve. A boy wearing a crisp brown button up shirt with a darker brown sweater vest, sits on the ground. His hand reaches up to run over his hair which has been gelled back into a dark brown mass.

Before you know exactly what you are doing, you are bending down to pick up the scattered papers around the boy. Assignments with his name printed on them, registration papers, class syllabuses and just random sheets of notebook paper pile up in your hand.

Marcel looks up and notices you, a small shy smile lights up his face.

"T-thank you for helping me. I didn't expect people here to be so mean to me." He attempts to stand up without using the locker's for support, but just falls back down. You quietly watch him without saying a word.

"Um, what's your name?" Marcel eventually stands up and offers his hand out to shake yours. You stick his papers back into his hand and nod at him before hurrying off to class. He squeaks out a 'wait', but you don't pay much attention to him.

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