Calling My World 🌎💍🔐

"Hello. Ace? It's almost midnight."

"Open your window."

"Ok. Bye."


Her window opens and she sticks her head out. "What are you doing?"

"I'm coming up." I start climbing the wooden fence on her side of the house and crawl through her window. By then she was sitting on her bed under the covers and moved over for a spot​ for me. I take off my shoes and slide in.

"So what are you doing here."

"I'm appalled, so I just can't drop by and visit my girlfriend."

"You can, but don't you got your own bed. Which is so much comfier than mine." I did, it was memory form, my bed was comfy as hell.

"Yeah, so what. Do you want me to leave?"

"No, I'm just wondering." She leans over and laid on my chest and threw her leg over mine and kissed me.

" She leans over and laid on my chest and threw her leg over mine and kissed me

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"Well, I didn't want to be there while my parents, were about to do it." It was silent until, Chy started laughing.

"So you're telling me your parents were about to get it in, get they serve on, get it in, get they freak on, get they life, get they back cracked, make a baby without actually making a ba...."

"Yes. That's enough I don't what to hear about my parents sexcapades, and they were outside my door. My mom inability to whisper and my dad sweet talking her in Italian." I rolled my eyes.

"Say something in Italian."

"Say what?"

"I don't know, something, anything really."

"Ti amo con tutto in me, il mio amore." (I love you with everything in me, my love.) It was true I love this girl, no woman. She was going to be my wife one day and carry all my kids.

"What did you say?"

"Search it up." She huffed and pulled out her phone.

"Repeat. What you said."

"I can't or it won't be my little secret anymore."

"Stop, tell me."

"Nope." I knew she was pouting, she does that when she doesn't get her way.

"Fine." She then try moving off me.

"Ti amo con tutto in me, il mio amore."


"Ti amo con tutto in me, il mio amore." She looks at her phone.

"Awwww. You are so sweet. I love you more." She then straddle me.

I Never Stopped Loving You (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now