When they walk in all the elders which were ten by count sat in royal seats that went in a straight line, “Hello Chloe we’ve been waiting for your arrival.”

Chloe smiles and replies, “Yes, I wanted to finish school get some more knowledge.”

The man who was speaking smiles and eyes Violet saying, “I’m Arthur the head of all the counsel here. It is nice to finally meet you Chloe I have heard things.” He finishes glaring at Violet. Violet leans on one hip crossing her arms and Chloe replies, “It is nice to meet you also Arthur.”

After long speeches and promises Arthur finally retrieves the crown from the back and puts it on Chloe heads they all bows and Violet is proud to join. Chloe smiles at Violet seeing her bow and she is overwhelm. After they leave the elders palace they travel to the next palace and meet the older ancestors. “They look like their over two-hundred years old.” Violet whispers in Chloe ear looking at the five royal ancestors.

One of the ancestors eyes Violet and says, “I’m two-hundred and thirty-five.”

Violet laughs until Chloe elbows her in the side. Violet quickly nods her head saying, “Yes sir I understand.”

After all the meeting and speeches they finally have dinner with Arthur and the ancestors. They sit at this long table with food filled. During dinner Violet and Chloe notice all the glares Violet is receiving but Violet doesn’t mind she continues to eat and does what Chloe has ask her to do. Try and be respectful she didn’t want to embarrass Chloe.

Chloe touches Violet thigh underneath the table and whispers in her ear, “Thank-you for dealing with this.”

Violet smiles and whispers back, “You welcome anything for you.” Violet wanted to kiss her, hug her, something to show her love but she knew she couldn’t not yet at least. So she rubs up Chloe thigh underneath the table and whispers sexy, “You owe me big time.”

Chloe lets out a soft moan at feeling Violet sneaky fingers she then smacks them away and glares playfully at Violet before turning back to her dinner hoping no one witnessed that.

“So who is this lovely lady hear Chloe?” Arthur finally asks.

“This is Violet she will be my Queen here.” Chloe says.

Violet chokes and starts to cough in surprise and everyone in the room grasps and starts to whisper and Violet whispers to Chloe, “You didn’t have to do that.”

“It’s fine it is better for them to know now.” Chloe replies.

Arthur glares at Violet then asks, “Well it must be untrue about her being a wolf correct Chloe.”

Chloe turns to Arthur and answers, “No it is true, Violet here is the alpha wolf back in Divide and I’m her mate also.”

“So you’re telling me that Violet parents are allowing you two to be together.” Arthur yells.

“Yes.” Chloe answers modestly. “And it won’t be a problem here either. There will some changes because there is a war coming and we need all the help we can get.”

Arthur just nods his head and doesn’t answer because he knew it is true. Arlandria army isn’t that big and they will need plenty of help. The rest of the dinner is silent and awkward and when they finally are brought to their chambers Violet is relieved.

“God I thought this day would never come to an end.” Violet says stripping from her clothes.

Chloe doesn’t answer she just starts to strip also. Violet sees how stressful Chloe looks so she walks over to her and starts to help her undress. She then picks her up bridal style and carefully lies her into the bed. “I’m sorry. Do you think I was a little to forward at dinner today.” Chloe asks.

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