Chapter Thirty One || Who are You?

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Lunch was decided, and you all carpooled to (f/r), which just so happened to be your favorite restaurant. What a coinkidink.

"Booth! Booth! Booth!" Anti chanted happily. You noticed they didn't alter their appearances, but kept their demonic features. You smile at this; it was like they were showing their true colors, for all the world to see.

The waiter didn't seem to appreciate it as much. The blonde nervously hands out menus (forgive me if this is McDonalds- it'll be a slightly fancier McDonald's), keeping sure that he didn't make contact with any of the demons, or Virus. Actually, he'd only look you in the eye. Your femininity was probably a comfort for the poor wreck.

"What'll you have to drink?"

"(F/d)," You say, eyes raking quickly over the menu.

"Mountain Dew, if you have it." Dark says gruffly.


"Mountain Dew too, please!" Anti says, smiling widely at the waiter. Dark casts a concerned glance at the green haired demon.

"That has caffeine, Anti."

"I know."

"You shouldn't have caffeine, you're already bouncing off the walls as it is." Anti tries to frown, but fails, still jittery.

"Sorry, I can' help myself! He's so happy, righ' now." Dark's eyes shift across the table to Jack, who was snuggled comfortably against Mark.

"Who? Me?" The Irishman asks. "What do I have to do with it?"

"Oh yeah, they feel our emotions, remember?" Mark says.

"But that does't correlate with Dark and Mark," You point out. "Mark, you're happy, right?"


"I have more control over my emotions," Dark nods to his counterpart, "As does he." He considers a moment. "Sometimes."

"Well, I'm kinda tired too." Mark admits. "All that excitement's got me wiped."

"Not too tired to eat though?" Jack asks, teasing.

"Are you kidding? Ha, I could eat a horse."

"Uh, I'll, uh, go get those drinks then?" The waiter turns to leave when Dead held up a clawed hand.

"Wait a minute, you forgot me." The white haired demon waits to lock eyes with the blonde before ordering, "A Bloody Mary... Please." The poor boy shivers, and terrified, scurries away.

"Dęād, thät wåś uñnêçéšsarÿ."

"What? It was funny. They probably don't even serve Bloody Mary's here." (Again, if ur fav is McD's, I'm just... I'm sorry) "He'll come back shaking in his boots because he couldn't get me what I want." Virus gives him what you interpret as a disapproving look.

"So... Anybody know what they want?" You ask aloud after a long minute of silence.

"A horse." Jokes Mark.

"The trouble is," Jack says, waving a hand over his open menu, "We haven't eaten all day- nigh'- whatever. Do we eat breakfas'? Dinner? Supper?"

"Ørdęr áłl ôf ït." Virus shrugs. "Ît'š Dæd'ś trèât, ïñdūłge ÿøurśełf." Everyone but Dead chuckles at this.

"Well, I'd normally say no," Mark raises his eyebrows, "But he was being a bitch, so..."

"Three course meals for everyone!" Jack exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

"¡Thät'š thę śpīrït!"

You indulged indeed. This being your favourite restaurant, you knew exactly what you wanted to eat. After everyone had ordered, the waiter actually needed the help of two others to bring out the food.

"Wow," Anti breathed. "I never seen so much food in one place 'fore."

"Let us feast!" You say with a grandiose gesture, ear to ear grin plastered across your face.

It was safe to say little manners were used, expected or condoned whatsoever. Everyone ate messily and ate greedily, ate off each other's plates, and ate until full to the max. It felt like a family in a time of celebration, you thought happily.

Family celebration... I'm sitting on a plastic high stool, fingers pushing untouched food around my plate.

(Y/n), Baby, where's that smile of yours?

No where.

What's wrong, Baby?

Nuthin'. Just wanna be in my room.

Why's that? This is our time to be together, to be happy! This is the day it all started!

I don't care! I just wanna be in my room!

With him?


You jolt in your seat, eyes wide. The memory had surfaced out of nowhere, sucking you in like liquid quicksand. It was vague, yet oh, so livid. Where had that come from? Who was I talking to? Who was the infamous he I wanted to be with? Your mind was reeling with questions and no one else seemed to notice. Except Virus, who was staring at you with a soft smile, cheek resting on his folded hands.

"Dø ÿøu rèmëmbėr mę ÿet?"

"I... I don't understand." You stutter.

"Ÿøu kñòw mé, ÿõū jûśt hāvęñ't fîgūred ït òút ÿét." He replies.

With him?

"Do you..." Know him? No, "Are you him?"

He nods, a dreamy grin on his lips. "Ī wås ÿòûr bêšt frįêńd, üp ûñtil thåt dàÿ." He frowns slightly. "Thęn Í häd tø gîvę ÿōu ùp tõ thê łãdÿ kín. Ęvęn thôùgh I šäved ÿoû."

"I don't know what you're talking about." You stare at him, thoroughly confused. "Saved me? Saved me from what?"

"Dæth håd çøme tô sęńd yöu āłl hœm, būt I knęw yòû før bettėr. Yõü štiłł hàd tïme tô çómpłęte hęrė." He sighs, a content smile on his face . "Śø Ī dräggęd ÿôú båçk bÿ ÿøûr ãńkłèš, kîçkìñg ãñd šçræmïńg."

By this time, the others has taken notice of your strange conversation.

"¿(Ÿ/n), dó ÿòū kńøw whāt yöu årè?" The brunette asks, "Į hâd ãškëd ÿøu eårłîęr..."

"What could you possibly mean by that, Virus?" Dark retorts, red eyes narrowing.

"I'm a human, I'm a (girl), I have (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes-"



"¿Ÿøu ær whō yõū ær bùt ær yòû śüre ôf whö yóu ær?"

"I swear you are the counterpart to the Riddler."

"Ÿōù arę ñót ôf thôśė frøm bęłow åńd çłóše tô ÿøú iñ fłęsh, ÿøū ær nōt ōf thōśe fröm abøve ånd cłõśe tö ÿøû íń hært, bùt çãûght įn thė mīddłę, ïnvísibłe tó ęveryøne büt thōsé wìth særçhîñg eÿeš."

Do you know what you are?

Can anyone figure out the riddle Virus gave? I'm not going to update until someone's guess comes close. Good luck~

The Dark Sides And Me (Darkiplier x Antisepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now