Chapter Twenty Two || Henchmen... Explained

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"Wait a minute. PewdiePie? As in, the Pewdiepie's counterpart?!" You ask, incredulous.

"(Y/n)..." Dark mutters warningly. The man cocks his head, a curious look on his face.

"Why yes, that would be him!" He grins, extending a hand. "If you come with me, I'll gladly take you to him..."

Both Anti and Dark in turn growl, protectively inching closer to you. Your eyes focus on his outstretched hand, and you notice his fingertips and abnormally black, and his fingernails weirdly sharp.

"Wait a minute... You're a demon... Who works for another demon?" You ask, confused. "I got the impression that all demons were too full of themselves to ever bow before another."

"But ye've only been with us..." Anti says slowly.

"That's the point." You state clearly.

"Yer one cruel lass, (Y/n)." Anti replies, hand over heart.

"There are benefits to working for another demon, Cutie." The man says. His nickname for you earns him three death glares, but he ignores them. "For one, being head henchman, I'm given my own title," He places his hands on his hips and puffs out his chest, trying to portray a dominant image. "Damen, the Demon!"


"Pfft- BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHA!!" You double over laughing, along with Anti and Dark.

"What kinda- hahaha- n-name is that?!" You choke out.

"'Damen the Demon'! You basically just switched th-the 'e' for an 'a'!" Dark stutters between laughs.

"Wh-What a title! Ha!" Anti exclaims.

After a few moments, your laughter dies down to a few giggles and sighs.

"Heh... That was great... Ah..." You giggle, wiping a tear from your eye. "Damen... Heh..."

"Are you quite through?" Damen asks, a little sassily, crossing his arms. You hold up a finger, as if checking the air, then after careful consideration, you nod, with a shit eating smile.

"Yeah, though if you keep up the hilarious jokes, we might be here for awhile!" He huffs, then licks his lips.

"As I was saying, being a henchman-"

"Is a disgrace, and disgusting." Anti finishes, having recovered surprisingly quickly. Anti being the most ticklish here, it would have been expected for him to linger on much longer laughing than the rest. Full of surprises, these demons were.

"Demons that're made henchman are required to give up something of value," Dark says.

"For example, our eyes," Damen says, and removes his sunglasses to reveal black, empty eyes.

"The colour of a demon's eyes 're kinda like a markin' of significance. The brighter, more vibrant, or the array of colour in a demon's eye ranks his class." Anti says.

You make a face, envisioning the colour being scooped out of their eyes with a spoon. "Ew. Just... Ew."

"Oh dear, it isn't all that bad." Damen says, wandering closer. "It's all for the profit at the end... And the fun during it."


"Head henchman are rewarded the bodies of their successors at the end of their terms." Dark supplies, "With this, they get their eye colour back plus some, the lower class demons as their own henchman, and, well, a meal."

"Double ew. You friggin' cannibals." The red haired demon shrugs.

"No... Delicious." Damen runs his tongue over his teeth. "So, what say you to our deal, Cutie? You come with me, get to meet Dead, no one gets hurt, and I'll even make you my bride, if ya like. You'll be handsomely rewarded, being right under me~"

Your 'WTF' lines deepen. "Okay, that sounds wrong on many levels. In how many different languages can I say 'No frickin' way in heaven, hell or on earth you crazed eyeless baboon?!'"

"Seems like one, (Y/n). And you speak it well." Dark says, with a smug grin on his face.

"Well, in that case, how about I just kill you and drag your dead bodies back?"

Guess Dark had absolutely zero patience left. The red haired demon tackles the black haired henchmen, but not before shoving you into Anti, who quickly in turn shoves you towards the exit.

"Stop shoving me, God dammit!" You yell, still being shoved forward by Anti since you were too stubborn.

"Get moving, (Y/n)!" The green haired demon yells back at you.

"Stop shov-" You freeze, though not of your own free will. Your limbs are stiff, refusing to listen to your brain's confused signals to move. You can't even speak.

"Shit!" Anti's eye surveys the area, while keeping near to you, letting no one within a five foot radius of your statuesque figure. His eye locks on someone, and he proceeds to right hook them. The demon goes down immediately, out cold. You instantly relax, feeling back to your arms and legs.

"Wait! What that the same kinda thing Dark does to me all the time?!" Anti doesn't answer, throwing punches left and right at approaching demons.

Why are there so many of them? You think, your gaze wandering over the thick swarm of the henchmen, all wearing sunglasses and suits. Like the friggin' CIA or something...

"DARK!" Anti shouts suddenly, raising a fist above his head. To your astonishment, you watch a black smoke swirl around him, and float above him, making the form of a huge fist. He swings it forward (with added battle cry XD) and it swoops down on a huge dog pile of men, causing an explosion of bodies that fly in all directions.

The only one that remains is Dark and Damen, both with their hands on each other's throats. Words are exchanged, but they're too quiet for you to hear at this distance.

Then, Dark throws Damen at the wall, who sinks to the ground, unconscious. He rounds on you and Anti, abruptly swinging you both onto his shoulders, and racing out the revolving doors. You hang limp in his hold, your mind a little to jumbled to care.

You blink, and realize your sitting in the back of a taxi with Anti and Dark situated on either side of you... But...

"What the hell?"

"Hm?" Dark replies, cool expression.

"You guys are wearing super casual clothes... Anti, you have an eyepatch... Dark your hair is combed-?!"

"We're blending, now shut up before I throw you out the window like I did with Damen against the wall."

Thanks for reading! I'm feeling much better- thanks!!!!


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