Chapter Three || Why Do You Act Like That?

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"Why do you act like that?" A voice asks behind you, interrupting a prop hunt video with Mark, Jack, Bob and Wade. 

Ignoring them, you hunch your shoulders and turn up the volume. You were sitting on the bus, driving to your classes. Having chosen a seat in the front by yourself, you immediately tuned out the world and tuned in to Mark and friends and their hilarious Boner Cast. It would be at least a twenty minute ride on a decent bus and you just wanted it to be through with.

Unfortunately, it wasn't to be so.

"Hello? I asked you a question." A finger taps your shoulder. Sighing heavily in exasperation, you pause the video, pull out your buds and turn around in your chair, putting on your best "Fuck off" face.

"What." You say. Its a boy, around your age of 22, with dark blue hair combed to the side, and darkly tanned skin. He has more of a lanky figure, but some muscle is present in his chest and arms under the black crew neck T.  His brown eyes sparkle, staring at you with earnest interest. For some odd reason, this look startles you. Your facade falters a moment, before you blink and return with an icy glare.

"Why are you acting like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like the world hates you, and you hate it, too." his eyes narrow, peering at you closely, "As if you have seen tragedy, and then have become one."

You stop and stare openly at him. Who was this hottie to come and say what you were and how you acted? You purse your lips.

"Nah, I'm just a bitch."

Ha! Now he was the one to quiet and gape at you. Quickly, he rights himself and offers a charming smile, equipped with dimples.

"Well, if you must be one, then you are a witty, beautiful bitch." A light flush rises in your cheeks. And, apparently, you clench your phone so hard the screen glitches like crazy and glass cracks.

"The hell?!" You curse life, examining the iPhone. C'mon, you weren't that strong...?

Strange, you think, peering closely at Mark. His eyes... Seemed almost impossibly... black?

"It appears you're also really strong." The boy chuckles. You shoot him a pitiful glare. He only smiles at you, which quickly becomes contagious; you grin back. A hot, searing pain burns the hand holding your phone. You drop it, alarmed, onto the seat beside you. The male, oblivious to this, continues.

"So, would you like to..." he nervously scratches the back of his neck. "...Go out to lunch with me? I'll buy." You raise an eyebrow. This was a first. A boy asking you out, minutes after meeting. Hm... He's a secret pedo, or actually interested. Either way, it'll be something more fun than your everyday life. 

"Yea, su-" Your phone begins going haywire, vibrating and ringing, the screen flashing violently. Other riders glare at you. Without hesitation you shoot daggers back menacingly. Picking up your phone, you shake it a bit, truly confused as to why it was acting so ludicrously. You try pressing some of the icons, but the screen has frozen. You then try powering it off -Success!

"So," He checks his watch, smiling, "noon-thirty? Where should I pick you up?"

"Wait a minute- I don't even know your name!" You giggle. You mentally note to slap yourself later for frickin' giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Oh, heh." He chuckles, offering an apologetic smile. "Um, its Ethan. Ethan Nestor."

"(Y/n) (L/n)." The bus rolls to a stop with a warning bell. Corey's gaze flickers outside. He stands, grabbing a khaki satchel and slinging the leather strap over his shoulder.

"This is my stop. I work at the library." He nods to the large white stone building. Two lions of the same stone stand in a fierce position at the bottom of the many steps, as if guarding the building of knowledge. You nod.

Corey hesitates a moment, looking at you indecisively. Shaking his head, cheeks pink, he waves and scurries down the aisle.

"See you at 12:30 at the college down forty-second street!" You call after him. Then you wave to him goodbye through the window, until the bus rolls away and he disappears. 

How... nice. Hopefully he wasn't a pedo.


Calm down.
I cant!
You must. It wouldn't be good for you to get worked up now.
But-! But-! She- He- They-!!
Yes. I know.
Now what?!
We will continue with the plan...
But we will also take a bit of a... detour...

The Dark Sides And Me (Darkiplier x Antisepticeye x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora