Chapter Eighteen || Seeing Red

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*Is back on Wattpad; heavy breathing*

I'm so SORRY for the WAIT! D': Hopefully, this makes up for it! Thank you guys so much for staying with me, even though the updates have been extremely iffy... Love you guys! <3

You trace the tile square distractedly with your finger, staring out the small sunroof, and let out a sigh of breath. The bathroom floor was doing a good job of cooling off your over heated body. Yes, you'd considered the pool, but there was much less of a chance that anyone would follow you here. Anyone particularly being Anti.

"Weirdo for you-"

You blush. It wasn't bad, actually. The whole-kissing-Anti-thing. He's not bad at it, and his lips are quite soft, and he's really gentle... You got so lost in the moment, his claws entangled in your hair, his fiery heat keeping you nice and warm, you barely registered the fact that he had scratched your cheek and nearly drew blood. Or anything at all really, even Dark walking by and heading upstairs or that you and Anti were slowly sliding off the couch or that your foot itched or–

Wait a minute. You sit up, (e/c) eyes wide in alarm. Why was Dark going upstairs? The only thing up there is...

The door crashes violently against the doorstop (actually, the doorstop didn't really do its job, and gave in quite easily, allowing the doorknob to punch right through the wall), and in the doorway stands Dark, his red eyes dangerously bright. In his white knuckled grasp is your laptop. He looms over you, fury rolling off his shoulders. You cower, frightened under the weight of his rage.

"(Y/n)." He says in a falsely calm voice, approaching you while flipping the laptop open. On the screen, in full view, is your conversation with Melanie M. Your heart sinks to your feet. "Help is on the way..."

"Just what," Dark growls through clenched teeth, obviously struggling with his anger. "Did you think you were doing?"

You don't answer, lips sealed tight. How did he...?

"HOW COULD YOU?!" You recoil quickly, narrowly dodging a claw swipe. Dark roars, tearing your laptop clear in half, causing loud popping noises and sparks. He throws the black screen over your head. It splinters into several large pieces, of which fall around you.

"YOU BETRAYED US! AND ALL WE'VE EVER DONE IS GIVE YOU PARADISE!" He chucks the other piece at the shower stall, and the glass spider webs.

"Dark what the literal fuck?" Anti calls from behind the huffing demon. Dark either ignores him or doesn't even hear him. You can imagine all the blood rushing in his ears would block out anything not pertaining to the matter at hand. But if Anti could just get Dark distracted enough, you might be able to get by.

"Anti! Help–!" You stop short when Dark sweeps his hand across the shelf nearest to the door, sending all the cutesy porcelain décor to the floor. They shatter spectacularly, and the pieces strewn themselves in a pile of deadly shards.


"Dark! Stop it! You're seeing red! This isn't-" Dark swivels at the sound of Anti's voice, and backhands him, quickly turning back to you. The green haired demon goes down instantly. You gasp, but Anti springs back up, eye smoking black and fangs bared. He wraps his arms around Dark's neck, dragging him back into the hallway- and leaving the doorway wide open. On your hands and knees, you crawl swiftly through the porcelain minefield, sweeping the shards aside as best you can.

Wait a second, you grab the largest shard you can find, sticking it in your back pocket. Better safe than sorry.

You peek around the doorway and see the two wrestling, growling like animals. And slashing each other to ribbons! Blood was flying everywhere, spattering the walls and making small puddles on the floor. You stare at them a moment, trying to decide whether to break them up all badass-like, or hide somewhere like a coward.

The Dark Sides And Me (Darkiplier x Antisepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now