Im Inlove With My Fatheres Best Friend

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thank you for the 4K!!!!! i hope you like my story:) keep coming here to read and vote&comment if you liked the chapter :) 

chapter 14:

Harry got mad at me, he was so mad that he told dad everything, and then went all the drama "oh stop dad i didnt want to tell you because i knew you will get all drama" "are you stupid?" Dad was so mad that he ran out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The next day i went to yell at Harry but he wasn't at his room "hi Jeff you know were's Harry?" "he left" "do you know were?" "nope" "thank's" i calles my friend Barbi "hi honey how do you feel?" "i'm fine, i just need to get out of this house" "you called the right person babe! come to my house and wear something amazing!" "ill try".

After the conversation i ran to my room suprised from seeing my mom sitting on my bed "can I help you?" i hate her i hate her so much! "why are you acting like this? i just wanted to talk to you..  your father told me.." "so?" "nothing i thought you'd want to talk, mabey to me?" i got from my closet a white beautiful dress and wore her "mom, you'd be the last person ill go and talk to about my life" "ok.. but why didnt you tell me you didnt got raped honey we thought.." "you thought.. without asking question nothing! nothing! you all think you know everything so you can tell everyone she got raped!" 

"honey i never.." "oh never? how about Barbi's parent's, Joshe's parents! my grandma and granpa without asking my approval! and all you said was a lie!" she leaned herself to me "im so sorry" "i dont want your apology, i want you to get out of my room" i wore my black hills and got out "honey" she stopped me "your scars" "what about them" i crossed my hands "i would be embarrassed going like that" "good for you you aren't me" i left my room and the house going to Barbi.

We left to the bar next to Barbi's house, were going there cuz Barbi said she's going to get drunk and she wants to be close to her home so she wont get lost "were gonna have so much fun babe!!" she yelled while were entering the bar, the music was so loud i couldnt hear my own thought's "I'm gonna get us some drinks!!!" Barbi smiled and left me alone.. nice for someone who just got kidnapped.. good job Barb.

I stood there trying to look normal and move to the beat, so stupid "hi what happand to your arm's?" some boys asked "i love myself so much that i cut my arms!" they ran away and Barb cam giving me a drink "who were they?" "no one" i smiled and drank from the glass "oh my to much alcohol!" she laughed at me "stop crying and come dance!!".

After a few drink's i couldn't talk, i felt like someone is wathcing me "are you alright babe?" "ye ye i'm fine" i started walking by holding something by not falling on the ground, i got out from the bar, i hadded to breathe some fresh air, i heard something "who's there?" i looked around me and didnt see anything "hello?" again no answer, and then i saw him, smiling at me, laughing at me, looking at my scars wishpering i love you, i ran back to the bar "Barbi!!" i cought her "hi hi, babe whats wrong?" "i.. i saw him.." "who??" i coudln't talk i was so shocked "babe?" "Cameron" she ran quickly out side "no plz" i after here "theres no one here babe, i think you just had to many drink's".

"no I'm serios! i saw him over there" i pointed over the place he was standing "babe he coudlnt stand there your pointing at a girl with her friend" " i am not lying he was there! and he smiled and laughed at me! he wishpered i love you Barb's you have to believe me" "lets go home were to drunk to think or to see ok?" i was breathing fast "hi hunn.. hunn your alright i am here with you ok? come on lets go home".

The sun rise and i havent slept all night, i couldnt, my imagine of Cameron didnt got of my mind, i got up of the bed going to Barb's closet throwing on me some jeans and a t shirt "hi.." she woke up "i need to go ill talk to you later "ok good night" "good night" i giggled and left the room.

i walked to my house hoping that Harry will be there "hi" "hi" Jeff greeted me "weres everyone?" "not here" "Haryy?" "nope" "again?" i wishpered "ok im going" "where?" i closed the door, didnt even answer him i just.. wanted to see him, so much.

I was near his house, i was confused, what the hell is he doing here? i went over to him, he just stood there looking at the ground "what are you doing here?" he didnt asnwer me "Harry?" nothing "what the hell is wrong with you is this because what i said ?" "no you idiot! look over the window" he looked at me, trying not to cry "what?" "just look" he wishpered.

I walked to the window, taking a deep breathe "plz be nothing wrong plz be nothing wrong" and then i saw it and i coudlnt believe my eyes "no way".

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