Im inlove with my fathers best friend

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thank u so much for reading my new book !! hope you liked it !

chapter four:

"what?! oh no.." I mumbled and pulled back from Liam and saw harry standing there red as my hair, then he left and I ran after him.

"Harry Harry Harry plz wait !!" I took his hand to stop him and he pushed me away "really Jemma?! are you that stuiped ?" he yelled going to his room, I ran over to his door.

"Harry plz it was a mistake.. plz don't tell dad" he opened the door "oh I won't tell him don't worry" " ..d..don't?" "no my beautiful sister like me, you will" he slammed the door.

oh no no no no no! I'd never!! dad will kill me no! I'm not telling.

I went back to my room and Liam wasn't there so I went to sleep hoping that every thing was a dream.

Harry haven't spoken to me since what happend, he's waiting for me to tell dad, Liam since the kiss was afraid to talk to me.

"hi" I said to Liam while entering his room standing next to him "hi.." "why aren't you talking to me? I mean, since the ..kiss" "ye.. sorry about that" he giggled a little bit "well I am not"

I left his room

the next day dad came to my room "hunny wake up, were going" I opened my eyes "daddy its only 7 am" "come on hunny were going to Mexico !!" "what?!" I jumped from my bed to dads arms "no way!" "we need a vacation from all the snow" I smiled kissing his cheek.

I dropped my suite case to the living room nd saw Liam with a suite case too "what?.. are u going home? does the renovation in your house are done?" "no.." he stepped closer to me "I'm coming with you all to Mexico" "oh." I smiled a bit looking into his eyes.

"ye I am happy for coming I hope we could hang out and mabey I'll get you out for dinner?" he winked at me and took my hand "I'd like that thank you" I leaned to kiss him but he took a step back..ouch..

Harry came into the room and Liam left us alone "did you tell dad?" I asked curious "no.." he left his suite case near mine and starting going out "wait" I stopped him..

"plz don't tell him OK? I just.. you don't understand what I am feeling.. its the first time I am feeling in love why can't you just be happy for me?"

"why? are you stupid jemma?! he's freaking 38 and your only 18 like what the hell?! oh your in love that's romantic but why him? why not.. s boy with the same age or two years or something but not 20 years ?! he will hurt you Jemma you'll see"

"you don't know anything"

he laughed "oh I know a lot" "oh ye like what?" "that if you will ever be with him, you won't be my sister any more just a.."

"what?! spill it out harry!"

like a slut!, and he's a Raper !"

"I can't believe you just said that" I hit him and ran into my room, I started crying, I can't believe that my own brother just called me a slut.

I will never forgive him..never !!

he's not my brother any more!!

I hate him! I wish he'd never born!!

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