Chapter 17: Second Battle With Mitsa! Proclamation To The Stars!

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F I R S T A R C : B E G I N! [ Opening: Wonderful World by FUNKIST ]

Special OST: The Other Promise (Takashi's Decent)


Chapter 17: Second Battle With Mitsa! Proclamation To The Stars!

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"I see you decided to join the party, Mitsa."

Mitsa smiles at Karvella almost cockily as she steps back a bit unevenly.

"You are truly ignorant, Karvella. Did you think I would let you kill the King?"

Karvella stands up on the table, releasing the King and turns to face Mitsa. My companion laughs and pulls out her red handled sword.

"You dare let him live? After what he did?"

Mitsa winces slightly and glances at the King who is cowering in the corner now.

"Whatever he did back then was for a reason. I believe that he had a reason to send Strike into Katta."

Karvella's hand squeezes tightly around the handle of her sword and I feel my arm pulsate slightly. I glance down at it and roll my sleeve a bit. Jagged red lines wind up it that I have never seen before. I look back towards where Ryuga is and his eyes have become sharp.

"Everyone get out of here," Chief Nakamira shouts suddenly, his hand holding the blade of his sword, "Get the King and Keys to safety!"

The startled soldiers begin running at the sound of his voice. The King gratefully accepts their help and they head towards the door. Karvella throws her sword towards the King's head quickly but Mitsa lunges in front of it, blocking it with Euclesus. The heavy doors close behind me and Chief Nakamira, Ryuga, Mitsa, Karvella and I are the only ones left.

My arm pulsates violently again as Karvella's sword floats back up towards her and she grips it again.

"I won't let you get away with saying shit like that again," Karvella says softly, "You're telling me that you don't care that our mothers were killed?"

Mothers? I glance back and forth between Mitsa and Karvella. Mitsa has a pained expression on her face, her eyes shifted towards the ground.

"Things...sometimes turn out in ways we don't expect. I had no idea that when I left that day, I would never see my mother alive again. I remember I returned to town with a basket of berries and the church was on fire. People were screaming, running back and forth while uniformed men and women killed unarmed citizens of Katta. I still remember dropping the basket and foolishly running towards my house. All I could think about was my mother. But when I got there, she was already laying dead on the ground in front of our burning house, her eyes open.

As a child, I could not understand why my mother was taken from me. All I could do was cry. That's when a nice old man found me at the edge of town, exhausted and tired. He took me in and raised me until the day he disappeared but by that time I was already old enough to join the royal palace guard service. No matter how I felt when I saw the uniforms were the same as the ones that my mother's murderers were sporting, I could do nothing. And I have learned the true reason why our little town was destroyed that day."

The tense, silent atmosphere is overwhelming. Karvella stares blankly at Mitsa, her sword still held outwards. She suddenly snickers, her mouth curving up on one side, causing me to flinch.

"Reason? Is there even a reason to destroy a whole town?"

"Yes there is and a good one."

Karvella bursts into a fit of giggles that sounded more angry than amused.

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