"You're in pain," Cersei spoke up making Ned look at her.

        Ned stood up making Raya do it at the same time, "I've had worse, My Lady," Ned responded easily.

        "Perhaps it's time to go home," Cersei suggested, "the South doesn't seem to agree with you."

         "I bet you'd like that," Raya spoke up making Cersei send a glare at her and Raya returned it back.

         "Raya," Ned warned.

           Raya just stayed silent after that, listening to her Father's command. But she will speak up if she has too.

          "I know the truth Jon Arryn died for." Ned finally said making Raya clench her fist, she wished he hadn't said that... 

         "Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you called me here, to pose me riddles?" Cersei asked tilting her head a bit.

         "Has he done this before?" Ned asked gesturing back to when Robert hit her.

         "Jaime would have killed him," Cersei smiled a bit, "my brother is worth a thousand of your friend." 

      "Your brother or your lover?"

       "The Targaryens wed brothers and sisters to keep bloodlines pure," Cersei told them, "Jaime and I are more than brother and sister, we shared a woom." 

         "You say that but Robb and I shared a woom but you don't see us together," Raya said crossing her arms, "what you do with the Kingslayer is wrong."

         "Maybe you're the one that is wrong and I'm the one that is right, ever thought of that?" Cersei asked, "Jaime and I came into the world together as you and your brother did. We belong together."

        "My son saw you with him," Ned accused making Raya look at him in shock, she was right, they did push Bran from that tower and when Cersei didn't deny it, anger boiled in Raya.

        "You yell at us for putting hands on your blood when you tried to kill my brother!" Raya tried to stomp over to Cersei when Ned grabbed her arm pulling her back from her as the Queen smirked at her anger.

      "You love your children?" Cersei asked him.

      "With all my heart," Ned answered.

      "No more than I love mine." Cersei nodded.

       "And they're all Jaimes," Raya said before she could stop herself.

        "Ah, thank the gods," Cersei smiled, "in the rare event that Robert leaves his whores for long enough to come into my bed, I finish him off in other ways. In the morning he doesn't remember." 

        "You've always hated him," Ned accused.

        "Hated him?" Cersei shook her head, "I worshipped him, every girl in the Seven Kingdoms dreamed of him but he was mine by oath. And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the Sept of Baelor... Lean and fierce and black-bearded, it was the happiest moment of my life. And that night he crawled ontop of me, stinking of wine and did what he did, what little he could do. And whispered in my ear: Lyanna." Cersei glanced at Raya, she hated her because she looked like Lyanna as if she was a reincarnation of her to make Robert forget again, "your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl and he loved her more than me." 

         "He was mourning," Raya responded.

          "And he is still mourning and you are his reincarnation," Cersei noticed Raya look down, "you think I don't see him look at you? You are just like Lyanna Stark, only difference, your breathing. Lyanna Stark took Robert from me and now you try to take Jaime from me." she said and Raya looked over at Ned who gave her a confused look, she just looked down.

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