"Hi." I greet him.

"Hey," he smiles back, "I thought about it all lesson and I've decided; I'm going to come to the party."

"Oh that's great!" I give him a quick hug.

When I release him, his cheeks are slightly pink and a cute, tiny smile has spread across his lips.
Oh, his lips! I feel the urge to stand on my tippy-toes and kiss him.
I want to tangle my fingers in his hair, feel his arms around my neck...

"Leo?" Kenny waves a hand in my face. "Leo, what's going on with you? You keep zoning out on me."

"Sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts."

"Anything interesting?" He asks, starting to walk away from the classroom.

"Umm... not really." I shrug, trying to forget the thoughts of kissing him.

"Okay then."

We walk outside to the back of the building. The kids in black are sat near the steps, sipping from a flask and smoking cigarettes.

One spots me, flips his fringe and rolls his eyes.

"Got another one of your conformist Justin Bieber wannabes to attack us again?" He snarls, flicking the cigarette butt in our direction.

"No, we came to smoke." Kenny crushes the cigarette beneath his foot.

He sits down on one of the stops beside the kid with the big nose and pulls out a box of cigarettes and a lighter.
He offers the kid with the fringe one, but he says that he doesn't smoke cigarettes bought by conformists.

Kenny shrugs, lights his cigarette and smokes it in silence.
I sit beside him, ignoring the protests from the kids.

"Shut up you stupid faggy emo kids." Kenny grunts, glaring at them all.

"We are not emo," The small one almost screams, "emos suck my goth balls."

"We are freaking goth!" The fringe kid rolls his eyes.

"Same thing." Kenny shrugs.

"It totally isn't."

"Guys, shut up and put out your cigarettes! There's a teacher!" I point to the man in leather clothing approaching us.

"That's only Mr Slave, we'll be fine." The fat girl lights another cigarette.

Mr Slave stops a couple feet away from us and shakes his head disappointedly.

"Jesus Christ," he sighs, placing one hand on his hip, "what have I told you kids about smoking? It's super bad for you. Do you want to die?"

"I'll be fine." Kenny mutters, sounding annoyed.

"If I catch you again I'll be sending you to my office so I can call your parents!"

"My mom won't even care! She'll be happy if I died. I bet she wouldn't hold a funeral, she'd hold a party to celebrate." The fat girl jumps up and shouts at Mr Slave.

"Henrietta, sweetie, you are a beautiful, talented young lady. I'm sure your mother loves you, she's just not sure how to show it because she's a conformist and you're not," mr Slave says calmly, "I'm sure that if your mother died you'd miss her, even just a little bit."

"Of course I..." Henrietta trails off.

"See, even you admit it," Mr Slave smiles. "And you, Firkle. How would you feel if ike died? Now imagine how he would feel if you passed away. Pete, you know your mother loves you very much and would blame herself if you died. Same with you, Michael.

The kids all drop their cigarettes onto the floor and stamp them out, probably thinking about how their loved ones would feel if they died.

"Don't you see, even though you pretend to not care about people and act all depressed, you do care! And I bet you guys would be willing to give up smoking to make sure it never happens."

"I wouldn't go that far, sir." Firkle scoffs.

"Okay, maybe that is a little too far," Mr Slave chuckles. "But, maybe you could at least cut down?"

Kenny stamps out his cigarette and walks off, leaving me with Mr Slave and the goth kids.
I shout after him, but he ignores me.

{Complete} The Strange Boy Next Door ~ Bunny fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now