chapter 9

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Third person's P.O.V 

Aphmau was done with work and did take over Aaron's house. 

Aaron asked: "Are you and Katelyn thinking of getting married since Katelyn are pregnant and you are the  father".

Aphmau: "I have been trying to asked Katelyn to marry me since we found out, but either do I loose my confidence, or she gets dragged away".

Aaron: "she love you so no need to loose your confidence so try asked her again".

Aphmau: "You are right but what if I loose my confidence"

Aaron: "if you loose your confidence today, so  can i help you with it tomorrow when we all go to see the fireworks"

Aphmau: "I will try, and Thank you Aaron". 

Aaron: "no problem"

Aphmau: "See you".

Aaron: " Yeah see you.

Then Aphmau go out of the house to take home.

When she gets home and open the door, Do she see Katelyn, and Katelyn go to Aphmau, and kissed her on the lips.

Katelyn; Welcome home babe (do she said happy).

Aphmau: I am home my princess and she kissed Katelyn on the lips.

Katelyn: O-o-h.

Aphmau: What's wrong!!!, are you okay??? (do she said worried).

Katelyn: I am fine, it's just the baby are kicking.

Aphmau: O-o-oh Can I try to touch it???.

Katelyn: Sure.

Aphmau touch Katelyn's stomach and feel the baby are kicking.

Aphmau: I can feel it Katelyn the baby are kicking . (do she say happy)

One hour later.

Do Aphmau asked what color Katelyn want the baby room to be in, "I think blue will be good" said Katelyn, and then Aphmau began to paint the baby room blue. (Aphmau still don't  know how to asked Katelyn).

Aphmau: Katelyn I have it as if we forgot something.

Katelyn: Yeah me to but I don't remember it.

Meanwhile are Sylvana and Erik are on their way to see Aphmau and Katelyn.

Sylvana: I can not wait to see mi hija again.

Erik: And I can not wait to see my Sugar Pea again.

Sylvana: Did you said to them we are coming to visit them.

 Erik: I thought you had done it.

  Sylvana: Then they don's know we are coming!!.

  Erik:  Yeah.

Back to Aphmau and Katelyn

Aphmau's P.O.V

I then went in to the washroom to take a shower. Once I was done do I  get dressed. I go down stairs into the living room and see Katelyn are on the couch and see a movie. She see me come down the stairs and smile to me. I think* it is fine come on have some confidence* I are on the couch next to Katelyn, and I slowly puts my hand in my pocket and are about to pull a black box out. Hey Katelyn I want to ask you something. She turns to face me " What is it??" " Y-y-you see I wanted to ask. before I can said more are they one they ring the doorbell. Katelyn go to open the door.

Third person's P.O.V   

Eric and Sylvana have come to Aphmau and Katelyn's house.

Eric: Are you sure this is the right place.

Sylvana: Yeah I'm sure. This is where our babies live!!!.

Eric: Alright then!!!.

Then they go ring the doorbell and see Katelyn open the door.

Katelyn: Dad.

Eric: Sugar pea!! wait have you take a little bit on??  what it going on?.

Katelyn started to cry. Am I ugly, It that's what you're saying!!!.

Eric: I did not say you where ugly.

Katelyn still cry, and then Aphmau come to the door, and asked what did happen her, and oh we  forgot to said it to your dad and my mom do she whispers to Katelyn.

Katelyn: My dad say I'm ugly. (still cry)

Aphmau: You are not ugly. You are very beautiful, and I love you.

Katelyn: do you mean it!!.

Aphmau: Yeah.

Aphmau kissed Katelyn on the cheek.

Aphmau: mom and Eric where don't you come in??.

They all are in the living room now on the couch.

Sylvana: mi hija I want to know why are you a werewolf.

Aphmau: I was at Lucinda's house, and i got some potion on me.

Sylvana: But do it disappears again.

Aphmau: I don't know, Lucinda have make two potion now and it did not go away.

Sylvana: Okay

Katelyn: But she are cute as a werewolf.

Aphmau: thanks but you are more cute.

Katelyn: aww you are sweet.

Eric: What are going on Sugar pea why did you started to cry??.  

Katelyn took Aphmau's hand and look at Aphmau.

Katelyn: dad I am pregnant.

Eric: What who are the father???. I want to fight him!!.

Katelyn: It are not a him it is are she, and it is Aphmau.

Sylvana and Eric: What how she are not a boy???.

Once Aphmau and Katelyn was done explain it to them.

Eric: O-oh I see.

Sylvana: I'm going to be grandmother *do she said very happy*.

Eric: Aphmau I will not fight you, but how much do you love my Sugar pea.

Aphmau: I love her so much that I can not live without her.

Eric: Then I am happy but when do you want to get married to my sugar pea.

Katelyn: D-D-Dad (blushing).

Eric: I asked Aphmau.

Aphmau (blushing): before did i want to ask her if she want to married me.

Katelyn: You did.

Aphmau: yeah.

Aphmau: You have make me the happiest in the world and I love you so much that I can not live without you by my side. *she Pulls out a little black box and opens it while getting down on one knee.

Katelyn: *gasps with tears in the eyes*

Aphmau: Will you marry me Katelyn??.

Katelyn: *cry happy* Yes I will!!! *hugs Aphmau*.

Hope you guys liked this chapter and please tell me if you want more.

I know I'm not the best writer but you can't blame me for trying right.

I will updating as soon as I can.

Find out what happens in Chapter 10.

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