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It was finally done.

My most ambitious project had been completed.

I could not help but wipe away the perspiration on my forehead and smile triumphantly at my desktop monitor. At the same time leaning back against my chair to stretch the back of my body, which was cramping up from both the lack of movement and the cold of the impending winter. Drying my palm on a handkerchief, I then focused my gaze unto the screen. I simply could not resist admiring every aspect of my newly completed art piece.

The picture consisted of all the creations huddled together, smiling as though they were getting their photo taken.

I knew from the bottom of my heart that it was abysmal compared to the drawings of the other illustrators I have met during the course of the Chamber Elimination Festival.

Eh, but what the heck.

Take some pride in my work Souta!

My drawing ability has came a long way.

I stared at the picture for a long time, how their cheery faces reminded me of all the fun times both creators and creations spent together, how we fought against near impossible odds, and how we were able to pull the miracle of victory from the jaws of defeat.


It has been a few weeks since, and everyone has gone their separate ways. Life has resumed being uneventful, slow and mundane. Furthermore, with the amount of homework piling in during the course of the Elimination Chamber Festival, I was beyond fortunate to find the time to satisfy some of my creative endeavors.

With this recent completion, it was suppose to be really satisfying.

But all I felt was an empty sense of satisfaction.

Perhaps I have not really accepted the fact that the creations; the people that brought colour to my life to be gone that quickly.

I slumped back into my chair and let my mind wonder into a temporary state of depression.

If only...




The sudden vibration of my phone abruptly shook me from my stupor. I sluggishly scoped my phone to check the contents of the incoming message.

It's been a while.


Thats right, she did not return to her original world. Unlike the others, she chose to stay here because she "loved this world."

Also, partly because the principles of her magic did not allow her to return.

This world was a boring place compared to the world of anime and manga. People lead predictable, mundane lives. And yet for her, she felt that it was beautiful.

She is so strange sometimes it is almost scary.

I smiled to myself, flicked through the message contents.

Its starting to get cold these days.

How are you?

Things started to settle down after I moved out of Marine's house.

I am almost done with my novel.

I am planning to submit it to the New Writer Award at Denko Publishing.

But I am having a hard time coming up with the title.



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