List of Rules

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(Because you are grounded)

1- No T.v., phone, radio, computer, etc... (No technology, unless homework.)

2- No leaving the house without permission

3- No staying in your room longer than necessary

4- No friends are allowed over (unless homework)

5- No going out with friends (see point 2)

6- Quality Time with Brothers

7- No heavy makeup (we are allowed to tell you to take it off, and redo it.)

8- No spending over $100 per shopping trip

9- Help when asked

10- Limited time in bathroom (40 mins. tops)

11- No going/or hosting Slumber Parties/Parties (point 2)

12- No driving past 8:30 pm (unless it's an emergency) (point 2)

13- No music (singing, listening to, playing, or writing music)

14- You are on laundry duty, until further notice

15- No dessert

16- Going on a diet (you are going to be more healthy throughout your grounding.)

17- Doing Guys workout (do you exercise?) (point 16)

18- No blocking Family out (point 6)

19- No dating (EVER!) (point 2)

20- No Pranking


Length of Grounding: 3 months
September 28 - December 28

If any breaking of any rules occur, 1 day will be added on the length of your grounding.

Created and Written by:
Your Seven Older Brothers

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