Ask me #42

173 16 41

How did you fake your death and fool even Sherlock when he saw the body?

I needed to disappear to throw my killers off track, so I deposited a body with the woman's face smashed in, bearing the same body measurements. And since Sherlock have already been acquainted with said metrics, I would needed to be thorough if I wanted to fool Sherlock Holmes, of all people. It was imperative that I likened myself dead inorder to buy myself negotiation time for the British Government to take action, and bargain with my for the photographs, and ensure my safety.

*When Sherlock received my phone, he was quite sure that killers must have killed me and I was pre-aware of that. 
In the morgue, the face was smashed severely which was obvious for Sherlock. He opened my safe with my measurements as passcode so when he saw the entire body with that particular measurements, and the fact that he has my phone which has been sent by me. Sherlock was sure that it was mine.
But as he always says, BALANCE OF PROBABILITY, and he knows that I'm so smart and clever he did find out by himself that I'm not dead when he followed John.

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