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Now - Tyler

I can hear mom's voice screaming from outside and I quickly run to the window to see what's going on. I can't really see a lot from my room, but there is a police car with flashing blue and red lights in front of our house and a bunch of people. 

"I wonder what's going on," I ask myself. Shrugging, I turn to my bed and jump onto it, pulling my DS out from underneath my pillow. I hide it there because sometimes mom forgets to take it away at bedtime, so I sneak some extra play time before falling asleep. 

Don't tell mom. 

I open the device and begin playing Super Mario Maker. It's my favourite game ever! JackSepticEye plays it all the time! He's so funny. 

I'm just about to start the next level when my bedroom door opens and an old lady steps inside. She's ugly and looks mean, but mom always said I have to be nice to women. 

"Hello," I say politely, placing my DS down on my bed. "Who are you?"

"My name is Elena." She says with a smile. "I am here to see you."

"Oh. I'm Tyler." I tell her. "I'm just playing on my DS." I point to the device. 

"That sounds like fun, Tyler, but guess what."

"What?" I say curiously. 

"How would you like to ride in a police car?" She asks. 

"Really?! That be so cool! All my friends would be so jealous at school." I say excitedly as I hop off of my bed. "But wait, mom says I shouldn't go anywhere with strangers."

"Your mom is right, Tyler, but I'm not a stranger. I'm your friend. And the Police Officers are outside with your Mom and Dad waiting for us to come out so they can take us for a little car ride." She says. "So it's perfectly fine."

"Okay," I say slowly. "But, I should still ask my mom." 

She nods her head. "Your mom is outside. Come, let's get your coat and shoes on and we will go out and say goodbye." 

I nod my head and quickly follow her out of my room and downstairs. I put on my shoes and coat and we go outside. 

Two Police Officers are outside the door and give me a smile when they see me, but my attention quickly lands on mom. She's screaming and crying with dad holding onto her tightly from behind her. When mom's eyes land on me, she quickly stops screaming but her tears never stop. I look at the lady who has a huge frown on her face. I don't like her. She doesn't look very nice. 

I go to step towards my mom, but the police officer stops me. Instead, the lady walks up to mom and dad and whispers something to them. My mom keeps shaking her head and crying and all I want to do is go to her and give her a hug. I hate seeing mom cry. 

"Why is mom crying?" I ask the police officer to my right. Police officers are supposed to be nice, that's what Mr Carson, my teacher, says. 

"She's just having a bad day." He replies, giving me another quick smile. 

I look back at my mom and she is hugging my dad tightly now. He's rubbing her back and talking into her ear. I can see her nodding her head. 

The mean lady nods her head and walks towards me again. "You can go see your mom and dad now." She says with a smile and I run as fast as I can to my mom. 

I throw my arms around her from behind and give her my best hug. "What's wrong mom?" I ask, looking up at her. 

She turns around in her hold and kneels down so she is my height, which is funny because moms aren't supposed to be this small. She wipes her face quickly and gives me a smile that I know isn't real.

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