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Now - Michael

I've seen Ella cry before - over her Dad, when Ty was born, when we were married - but I've never seen her cry like this. 

She is grasping onto me with all her might, not letting me go whatsoever. Sobs wrack through her entire body, shaking her tiny frame violently. Tears soak through my fresh shirt as she cries into my chest. And a frenzy of muffled words spill from her mouth that I can not decipher no matter how hard I try.

We stand there, her arms wrapped around me and my arms wrapped around her, for what seems like an hour. I continuously rub soothing circles into her back as her never-ending tears spill. I tell her sweet nothings in her ear as her body shakes and shudders. 

She doesn't stop until her last tear has fallen, and even then she doesn't let go of me. She holds me with a deathlock that I can't get out of no matter how hard I try - not that I want to. 

Slowly, I feel her start to compose herself and pull away. 

"Are you okay?" I ask pathetically, unsure of what to say after an hour-long cry session. 

"No." She replies, shaking her head. "No, I'm not okay."

"What can I do?" I ask.

"Nothing. I need to go get Tyler." She says. 

"I'll come with you." 

"You can't." She says, lifting her hand to stop me. "You can't, Mike. Your stunt from yesterday banned you from ever being on the property again."


"Yup." She says, popping the 'p'. "I'll go get him. Can you maybe grab something for supper? Maybe pizza or something? I am not up to cooking."

"Yeah, I can do that," I say.

"Please, please don't drink anything. This conversation isn't done." She says, narrowing her eyes. 

"Of course, Ella. I won't." I promise. "I'll meet you back here."

"I'll be back in about forty minutes." She says as she leaves the bedroom. 


I hear the rattling of the doorknob before it swings open, revealing my son and wife. Tyler's eyes land on me, shooting daggers, before a fake smile forms on his young face.

"Hey, dad." He says before throwing his backpack into the coat closet and running to the kitchen. I hear the water running, indicating he is pouring himself a drink.

Ella closes the door behind her and slowly removes her shoes. Her head is low and her eyes refuse to look up at me no matter how hard I silently beg for them. A sniffle echoes through the room and I immediately stand from my chair and take five gigantic steps towards her. I pull her into my chest and embrace her tightly, promising myself to never let her go.

"I'm not sure what to do." She croaks. "I'm not sure how to fix this, Mike."

I pull away slightly to look down at her face. "What do you mean?" I ask, realizing the question is probably my stupidest to question to date.

She completely pulls away, a look of fury is sent my way. She wildly gestures towards the kitchen. "Him." She whisper-yells. "I don't know how to fix this situation with him. They called Mike. And it's only a matter of time before they come to take him away."

"You don't know that, love," I whisper back.

She furiously shakes her head. "No, I do."

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