#41 The Countdown- Day Eight

Start from the beginning

‘Ron, step back let Elias take over there’ I command and finally enter the war zone. My warriors sense me and I feel the air relaxing a sense of relief running in everyone's body. Even the wailing kids stop and just stare at me as I walk to the centre of the ground. I remove my clothes and throw them away as I glare in front towards the hunters pointing their guns at my now naked form.

What catches my eye is one of them who suddenly steps ahead and pushes other hunters behind him. He had a golden streak in front of his hair and wore an all black tight clothes that might be the cause of his demise. Tight clothes and fight does not end up well. There were at least sixty of them easily overpowering the number of my warriors left in the battle ground.

I allow Lina to take the control and shift into my silvery-white wolf. I sense the presence of Ron and Nick behind me and I know they are standing on my right and left. I don’t need to turn around to know that the all of my warriors are now standing behind me.

‘For the first time, I permit you all to let your beasts out’ I growl in my head and I feel their pleasure. They are happy with the decision.

My eyes do not waver away from the golden streaked hunter in front and suddenly he grins and places his gun right in front of him; aiming it directly at my head.

‘Let me take control’ Lina ushers but I suppress and growl loudly before quickly dodging the bullet he shot my way. The hunters separate quickly and I see few of them hiding behind a tree and shooting at my warriors.

I growl and run towards the nearest hunter I grab his neck and snap it before he can aim and throw him away like a rag doll.

Next, I bend down dodging another bullet aimed at me and using my hind legs for the momentum, I jump high towards the group of hunters.
Before they had time to shoot, I grip one of them and place him in front of me while several others shoot their bullets in my direction. The bullets directly hit the hunter that I am now using as a shield and finally I throw the poor guy back at the hunters who because of their slow human speeds weren't able to dodge and fall down on the ground.

From my hindsight I see Ron jumping on them and I leave the area to find that particular golden streaked hunter who has now vanished in thin air.

‘Coward’ Lina huffs.

My warriors-turned-beasts are now in their pure forms ‘the rogue form’. Their eyes glowing red like a ruby embedded in their eyes. Their snarl vicious their claws elongated and bend at an angle of sixty degree at the end. It's hard to switch back from your beast mode if you are not well trained but I don't have doubt about my warriors.

‘Alpha the kids need you’ I hear a feminine voice in my mind and I turn around to find Christie now holding a kid's head and cradling him in her arms.

I take a quick sweep of area as I see Elias's wolf; Adrian is angry and on killing rampage. Something inside me urges me to be on his side and kill those bastards who dared to do this to the little kids. How can they kill their own kind and for what? Above all hurting little children? I see Adrian tearing the limb of a wolf and then throwing it away in the air which lands on another dead body.

Blood is everywhere. Something inside me shifts and I feel my wolf's resistance. She dislikes this. She hates killing our own kind even if they want to kill her. I don't know how she can be so concerned for someone who wants to kill her but then that's the beauty of my wolf. She has the most beautiful heart.

I see my Gamma Nick piling the bodies of the hunters and snatching the guns away from their bodies while Ron along with my other warriors kills the few remaining hunters. All in control for now I shift back in my human form and grab my clothes from where I had left them.

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