Next thing I know, I'm in a forest. It's dark and wide and empty - nothing but me, the wide-spaced trees and the moon, leaking a faint white glow all around me.

Something calls me from the depths. Not a voice - a feeling. Like something is reaching out to me through the tall, thin trees. A hand, palm up and fingers outstretched.

I lift mine, searching for grip on this imaginary hand. My fingers close around nothing. With a pang in my chest, I take a step forward.

Still, the feeling calls to me, so I keep walking, roots and underbrush crunching underneath my feet. I need to find whoever it is who beckons me. If I find them, I am free.

I brush against a tree, stumbling into a patch of moonlight. I look down. Below me is grass, as thick and lush as velvet, bleached grey and silver in the moonlight. A sweet little glade in the middle of the forest.

I turn my head to the right.

A moonlit lagoon spreads out in front of me, nestled in a rolling hill. The water laps at the rim; even in the dark it seems cool and sweet - perfect for a dip. I can't remember the last time I wasn't burning.

This is what was calling me. Pure, fresh, clean water to quench my thirst, to dive into so to cool my burning body.

I walk to the edge, onto a small hill looking out across the rippling mirror.

I close my eyes and let myself fall forward.

'Eve, no!'

Something hits me harder than a battering ram, knocking the wind out of my lungs and throwing me back. I swear my neck cracked.

I'm gasping, for some reason nearly sobbing, my heart pounding. For a split second I think this is somehow the demon's fault, but then I come back to myself, and I'm being hugged, smothered in red hair.

Emma. She's got me in a choke-hold. Now she's crying. Her tears drip down my shoulder.

I peek behind her. The stairs stretch down beyond her. Taking a leap headfirst down them would have been very painful indeed.

Another murder attempt from the demon in my head.


I give up. School is no use in this equation. Aaron hates me. I'm dying from exhaustion. I just need a bloody day to be me and myself again.

If I can ever be her again.

As it was, a new strategy has been decided. I am being babysat. The latest possession has Emma beyond the point of no return; she needs a way to control this. Control me.

Mum agrees. Tonight I am sleeping in my mother's bed, which I haven't done since I was a toddler.

Dad had been in it too back then.

Either way, tonight I am protected. In the morning my alarm doesn't ring and me and Mum spend the day chilling out.

We're stretched out on the sofas, watching Grease. Mum loves this movie. Perfect for a day like this.

I've seen this movie so many times I start zoning out in the middle. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see my phone resting on the coffee table.

I glance at Mum. She's watching the TV.

I stare at the device. How had I done it in the hotel?

Taking a deep, silent breath, I reach out with my mind. I hit something dark and hateful and evil, and try to touch it.

With a chuckle, the thing touches back.

I can barely swallow the noise I make as the whole world flickers and surges, the burst disappearing as quickly as it came. On the table, the phone rattles like it's been shaken.

The Demon in My HeadWhere stories live. Discover now