Chapter Twenty-Five: Training Ground Six

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“The men all dead,” I kept in time with the music.

“The enemy was stronger than I thought.” I jumped off the sofa and slid across the floor.

“Oh I have one more Kunai, Oh And once last Jutsu up my sleeve.” This song blasted out it to music and I keep singing dancing all around the living room.

 “Not going to complicate things no more. Just one Jutsu, and a kunai.” I screamed skidding passed the window with my eyes closed tight as I screamed the words to the song.

“I have one more Kunai, And one last Jutsu up my sleeve,” I sang as the music slowed down for the end for the song. I jumped a mile into the sky because someone was singing with me.

“FUCK!” I shouted, whirling around to find Julie standing in the dining room. She was standing there with Shino. I walked over to them and turned the music off “You gave me a freaking heart attack!” I shouted at them. “How the fuck did you get in here?”

“Zabuza’s bad with keys,” Julie said, taking her hand out of her red and black jacket and jangling the set of keys she had.

“Sorry for the intrusion,” Shino said.

“That was entertaining,” Julie said. 

Shino nodded. “You both sing well. I like the towel on your head.”

I reached up and pulled the towel off. “Thanks,” I said with a laugh. “What do you guys want?” I asked with a smile.

Julie shrugged. “I just wanted to hang out. Maybe train.”

“How’s your heart?” I asked, rolling the towel up in my arms.

Julie patted her mesh shirt, above her chest. “Jensen’s pumping away. He’s fine.”

I looked at Shino. “What’d you want?”

“We don’t have to fight one another in the finals, so I was thinking maybe we could train together,” he said.

“Sure! We can train together,” I said with a smile. “Let me dry my hair and grab my sword. I’ll be down in five.”

Shino nodded and I headed off to my room. I dried the rest of my hair before grabbing my sword and heading back to Shino and Julie.  

“You ready?” I asked them. They nodded as he stood up and the three of us headed out the house. Last night, Asuma had finally gave me a key to the house. I locked the door and headed off with Shino and Julie. We walked in a generally nice silence. The sound of the birds and the people in the streets were the only sounds between us. It was nice. It really was.

Julie started whistling. She was really good at it. 

I turned to Shino. “Shino?”


“Which training ground are you taking me?”

“Training ground six,” he told me.

“Okay, not been there before,” I said more to myself.

“No one really knows about it. I train there when I want to get away from people.” he said.

“Why are you showing us then?” I asked. “I respect your privacy. we can train somewhere else.”

“I want to,” he said walking me into a forest.

“If you’re sure,” I said, following alongside him. Julie was a distance behind us.

Shino came to a stop when we came to an old looking tree. The number ‘6’ was engraved in the tree. He placed his hand over the six and fed a bit of his chakra into the tree. When he moved his hand, some of the bark on the tree swung open like a door to reveal a door way. Shino gestured for me to go first.

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