A loving, fatherly look came over his face. "Plus I would like to spend time with my daughter... We believe that He is back and I fear I won't have much longer so I want to spend as much time with you as I can." A sharp twinge of fear and pain struck through my chest at those haunting words he said.

No... he can't be back! It's been five years! Why is he back now? How did he even survive? Hell even Toshinori hardly survived and he won that damn fight! God, no... I can't take that again. I nearly lost him last time....

"I hope to see you soon, Hikari."

With one last smile the projection shut off and silence rang around the room. Torino was watching me, worry furrowing his brows. But a small smile was still on his face.

"Go. Spend time with him and make sure he stays out of trouble." Torino smiled up at me. The old man knew me probably better than I did my self. He was always able to tell me exactly what I wanted or needed to hear. "I know you miss him, even if you won't admit it."

"Thanks old man. I guess I'll start packing..." Tornino smiled and walked off to do whatever he was doing before hand. Now wide awake I went back into the comfort of my dark room. Plans for my travel and what to take with me are passing through my head. Where would I stay? Who would I stay with? What all should I take? What shouldn't I take?

I guess I should just give him a call.

He is the only one with the answers to my questions after all.

Glancing at the time it was around one in the afternoon. Maybe he is at lunch or something. Picking up my black smart phone I pulled up his contact and called.

It rang a few times before the familiar cheery voice answered. "Hello my sweet Hikari. It's rare for you to call me." A warmth filled me just from hearing that voice that I have missed so much.

"Yeah well it's rare for you to message me so I guess we are even... I got your letter and I accept by the way..." I spoke into the phone while searching for my suitcases in my closest. "I guess I'm staying with you or at the school or wherever. Which ever works best. I'm packing now and should be there by tomorrow some time."

"Really!? Oh that's great! And you can defiantly stay with me, my dear. You know you are always welcome with me. You have a room there for a reason."

"Thanks Toshi..." I paused before speaking again, "So is it true? Is he back...?" He went silent, not needing to give me a verbal answer. His silence told me more than enough... I sighed and rubbed my face. "Just... don't go dying on me... dad..." I choked up, my voice thick with worry and fear for his safety. I could hear sniffling on the other side of the phone. I rarely called him dad. He knew I was being serious or meaningful when I did.

And this was defiantly one of those times.

I already lost my real parents. I don't wanna loose the closest thing to family I have left.

"I won't baby girl. I promise you, I won't leave you anytime soon." A smile tugged on my lips and a tear came to my eye. I love Toshinori as if he was my actual dad. He may not be around all that often anymore from his work but he meant the world to me. "Now when you get here just come to UA. I can meet you by the gates to let you in. You know how the security is here."

"Sounds like a plan. See you tomorrow. Probably around noon ish okay?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you then Hikari."

I ended the call, a tear falling down my cheek. Damn it he worries me too much... but I can't help it. He has raised me, with Torino's help at time, for the past ten years. He was legally my father. But even if it wasn't legal, I will always consider him my dad. Number one hero or not, he was my world.

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