Book 2: Chapter 37

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Yveltal flew through the air cutting through it as if it was nothing. The pokemon of the night seemed to run away in fear of the dark type. The beat of his wings filled the silence of the darkness, as it looked over his shoulder. Swooping down, it came to a hover above the ground. Placing its right foot on the ground it sort of limped towards a large tree. Pulling its left foot forward it gently laid down the unconscious Jack.

Its eyes scanned the dark sky as it tried to figure out what the source of that blast in the room was. The two were battling and it was having a great time. The trainer proved his strength much to the legends excitement. After recalling most of his pokemon after having them defeated it was the absol and Yveltal.

The legend didn't even hear the machine charge to life before the blast struck the absol. The pokemon turned on its trainer. He as able to recall it but not before it hit him. As the members started to break through the back, the legend reacted by picking up the trainer.

Yveltal's attention was snapped back to reality when he heard a grumble from the trainer. He moved closer to him and lightly nudged him with his nose. Jack opened his eyes which were blurry and looked up at the legend that stood partly over him. It nudged him again as he groaned in pain, his leg felt like it was on fire. He pushed himself up into a sitting position as his leg screamed out. Biting his lip, he reached his hand down and touched his leg a bit noticing the blood on his hand when he pulled it back. Painfully, he sat up enough before dragging himself towards a tree so he could lean on it.

The legend watched him as a shrill cry cut through the dark. Getting the destruction pokemon to look up into the air again.

"It's a pokemon." Jack whispered. The dark type stepped closer to him as it watched him. Jack looked up at the blue eyes of the pokemon, before noticing they were no longer in the team flare base.

"Where did you take me?" Jack questioned as he reached up to his ear. Remembering he threw off the device, he cursed himself. Grabbing a pokeball from his side. He made sure it was bisharp's before releasing the exhausted pokemon. Yveltal gave a growl as bisharp rubbed its sore head before looking up at its trainer.

"It's okay. Bisharp, find Ryder and Emma." The pokemon nodded before disappearing into the woods, ignoring its exhaustion. The legend looked back up in to the sky as Jack laid his head against the tree. Jack started to pull off the top layer of his shirts taking care not to move his leg much more. Groaning, he wrapped it around the bloody wound on his legs before looking up at the legend.

"You scared of them?" Jack asked as the pokemon looked down at him. Taking a step towards him, it nudged his shoulder a bit before giving off a shrill screech.

"That was uncalled for." Jack responded as he ran his hands against his head. He scanned the legend over as it was searching the sky for something.

"What are you doing?" Jack questioned as the legend looked down at him. It gave another growl before staring back up at the sky. Without any sign, the dark type opened its wings and picked up Jack with its left foot.

"Wait, why?" Jack yelled as the pokemon took to the sky. It soared through the air for a bit heading back in the direction they had come. Before it swooped below the trees and grabbed bisharp. Flying back into the air, Jack looked over at his partner as it struggled against the pokemon's grip. Spinning it headed away from the city and more into the mountains, planning to fly as far as possible.

A roar cut through the air as Reshiram came into view. Articuno and Ho-oh flew not too far behind the fire dragon. Yveltal swerved as it swooped around some trees, trying to escape its pursuers.

"Yveltal, they aren't going to hurt you. They are my friends." Jack called up to the legend as it ignored him. Searing up into the air. It spun as oblivion wing formed and shot towards where the three legends were flying. Dodging the attack they gave chase as the red legend picked up its speed. Flames flew towards them as the dark type dodged the attack, flying higher into the air. Jack was struggling against the pokemon's grip, his body was screaming in protest.

A Boy and His Dragon Book 2: Secrets and Lies UnravelingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant