Will this night ever end ?

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Authors note that maybe to some people, I'm taking my sweet time to get to the underground and the true part of the story. I just want to flesh out Frisk. She's a complex character and deserves to be given a developed background. I want that to be conveyed as clearly as possible. I want the version of Frisk I create? To be someone who has her own life, dreams, and skills. She has a good group of friends that she can count on and a good life she's lived. She's kind of the opposite of most versions of Frisk that already exist. Hell, most Frisk I've Read about before in other stories. Usually, Frisk has had the worst possible life ahead of them, lacks friends, or has a dark life before they fell, or are incredibly unhappy or bored with the life they have led or led so far. Why not write a version of Frisk, who is kind and sweet but kicks butt? Who had a happy life and skills, not many people would assume she gained? People who would miss and mourn her. That's the kind of person I want to create. Also, remember to comment or leave a kudos.

It wasn't a long walk, but it felt like forever with Chad's eye humping me with every step we take. The sidewalk was still moist from the freak rainstorm earlier this afternoon. It made the sidewalk shimmer like stardust under the streetlights. This neighborhood has become so ritzy, in the time I hadn't noticed. As we walked, there are bike lanes on the roads, and we passed quite a few very posh boutiques and shops that were still open. I could see a few brownstone apartments expertly maintained. As we walked forward, there was music wafting from somewhere far off. I can see a couple giggling across the street while sharing a sundae at an ice cream shop. I noticed Steph and Aiden walking hand and hand, looking incredibly like young sweethearts.

Aren't they beautiful and sweet? I'm going to tease the ever-stuffing out of her when the night is over. She completely loves him, and that makes me smile. While I may not be happy, I'm glad at least she is.

I look up to see that we were finally at the Bright Blaise theater. Weird name, but apparently, the founder believed the mountain was actually a volcano and wanted that to be immortalized forever. As insane as the idea is, it's still beautifully built and maintained. The marquee wasn't set up, but I'm not shocked. It was the off-season and slowed for patronage, and considering there was no usher or valet outside, and they were also understaffed tonight. At least the one-ticket girl is out here tonight. Looking at the archway, the beautiful carpeting, and the atmosphere, I had a desperate need for a breather from Chad and his creepy staring. I look at Stephanie and Aiden, but it seems like they were busy seeing into each other's souls.

I interrupt, "Wait! Stephanie, I need to use the ladies' room. Can you come with me?"

"I'll be back in a second, Aiden." Stephanie left Aiden a longer kiss on his cheek.

Stephanie and I walk quietly to the ladies' bathroom.

"Okay, Frisk, I get it! He's a complete jackass, and I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have pawned him off on you. Can we talk about this when we go home?"

"Sure, Stephanie, but here's the deal for this whole weekend. You owe me big, and you need to put this guy on Angie's show next week! He said that that was his best outfit, he doesn't know how to behave, and he's borderline undateable!"

"Fine, deal, but first, we have to make this look good. We have to keep a steady mask for the rest of the night. Chad gets on my nerves just like he does you. I really like Aidan, and I don't want to screw up another date again. Chad ruined our stay-in date night a few weeks ago! You know how hard it is for me to find a guy I would want to have a night like that with?!" She turns to the mirror to fix her hair.

"What is the name of this play, and what is this play about. What are we even seeing anyways, Stephanie?" I was honestly curious. While I had a few ideas about what plays were out at the moment, nothing stood out as a must-see play of the evening.

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