Day 2 of training

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Author's note I own nothing all I've ever own are the plot of my story.I decided for the sake of everyone understanding what is going to divide the behemoth that is chapter 7 into five more chapters. This chapter is about day two. With the focus on Asriel point of view. his interactions with the other guards.

Finally, the grueling day is finally over. It was the only thing Asriel thought of before going to bed with Chara snuggling at his side.

I thought I would have pulled a muscle from overexerting myself with the Prince's puzzles, nothing I have done before but still wearing on my muscles nonetheless. These were the thoughts that were running through Chara's mind as she walked with Asriel, Red, and Roxy towards the mess hall. One of the good things about a lot of the great chefs of the underground lived here well, the ones that hadn't been offered a job by Mettaton restaurant, or works for Grillby himself most here are technically on loan from the palace and the capital city nothing but the best for those who day in and day out put their lives on the line to protect the underground. Or so the King says, though, according to dad? He used to make more jokes when he made speeches back then. It was said it created hope, but he's been stern since Alphys became the royal scientist. However, even I can't remember who had the job before her. However, I do remember who helped in keeping it operational to this day. That would make the skeleton monsters who placed the heating and cooling into the core itself. They're the only monsters other than ghosts who survive jumping into molten lava and subzero conditions with barely a notice. The only thing that can hurt a skeleton is physical damage, something I learned from sparring with Papyrus, and my magical attacks didn't work, but my rapier did. But my thoughts were everywhere, including dinner. I was in the mood for rich chocolate pudding right now! It's not like the big feet didn't get a massive haul of cocoa beans and other tropical fruit and plants. My thoughts were on Asriel, who was giving me another goofy look. I really should've said no when he proposed, but I love him, and I'm in love with him.

But I swear everyone is itching for the wedding and with the wedding, come with children, which will expose me and us. Considering I don't want to go back up there, I'm not letting anything, or anyone forces us back up to the surface humans suck. Monsters love you wholly. They don't even need a name to care about. With humans, you must earn every iota of trust, kindness, love, and protection! Who needs them, not as they have ever done right by me? Humans killed my family. Though who cares about them, Asgore and Toriel are my mom and dad now and have been taking care of me since I was five years old, and they're the best parent I've ever known. Heck, Asgore was sitting with Dogamy right now. He is regaling the guard with the good news, the reason why Dogaressa isn't here. Dogaressa and Dogamy are having puppies, and even I was a little shocked. Monster kids by the guard are a blessing but usually, someone chooses either retirement or to lower their responsibility. So, they can spend more time with their families, but then again, it explains Dogaressa being so hugging happy the last month or so with everyone that crosses her path. Out of the married couple, Dogaressa is very stoic and standoffish aggressive when pushed, while Dogamy is the friendliest dog monsters in all the underground. Then you Sheerina talking about her little sister getting an audition for drain and Mettaton hotel that her agent has been an amazing help for her career. Adam, who was sitting at the table, was getting told of these antics and that he needs to talk to him that his winking and flirting are unwanted and it's creeping everyone out. "I'll talk to him. He should know by now that not how you talk to people." He had a look of slight embarrassment on his face even I know Aaron flirtation is a very shivering of disgust-inducing to the average monster, much less two people if he's stubborn about letting you pass

"Please do. It was really uncomfortable getting here with Damian when he wouldn't let us pass by without our numbers." Michelle had an annoyed look on her face, but Damien looked shy, well, from anyone could tell, at least seem a bit embarrassed by it. You couldn't really see him since he was wearing his helmet, but his posture and mannerism gave him away though none could see his face. But he's a fresh recruit, no shocks there, but he was a very imposing figure. He's almost as big as knight-knight in his suit armor, but no one had seen him without it. Though it sucks, they got stuck by Aarons persistent flirting until you take his advances in some way for him, or if you prove you're taken, he won't let you get away from he's not a take no for an answer type of monster the way he looks now is really swollen his arrogance to new heights. Though if I had taken a guess, those two had to get cozy and look romantic to getaway. But if I had to guess, it might have sparked something more, but what do I know? I've only ever dated two monsters. I'm engaged to the other.

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