:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 16] //A Vampire Romance//

Start from the beginning

Messy dark hair met my gaze when I opened my eyes. The vampire grinned at me. His face was handsome, and a pale color. I stared into his eyes, momentarily getting lost in them. They were gold, a very unusual color, but what was more unusual was the specks of black in them.

"Hello, love," he greeted me, his breath caressing my cheek as he leaned in closer. I caught my breath. "I hope you don't mind if I partake from you."

I turned my head away from the handsome vampire. Bad idea. I felt him chuckle against my neck.

"Can I take that as a yes?"

I gasped as I realized what I had just done. By turning my head from him I had exposed my neck. I went to turn my head back when one of his hands grabbed my face and wrenched it back in the other direction. I could see Damian still fighting with the brunette vampire. Our eyes locked for a second. He froze, and the brown hair vampire sent him flying.

"Damian!" I shouted, trying to push the black-haired vampire away from me. "Let me go!"

"Shh, it'll be okay," he cooed, gathering both my wrists into his free hand and pinning them above my head. I felt a pair of lips on my neck. Even in this circumstance, I still blushed.

"W-what are you doing?" I demanded, struggling to liberate myself from this guy.

The man smirked against me. "This will feel more pleasurable to you if you don't resist it..." I felt the man's fangs graze my neck.

"Wait, stop!" I screamed, struggling harder against him. "Don't!"

The man chuckled, licking my neck now. "It'll be okay, trust me. You will barely even feel it. And we can just give you some drugs so you won't feel the effects of the transformation."

"Please," I begged him in a whisper, letting my arms go limp, giving up my resistance.

"If you insist," the man smirked, taking my words the wrong way on purpose.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his canines graze against my skin. I felt the slight pressure of them as they started to press into my skin. I held my breath and waited.


The pressure against my neck suddenly went away, and my arms fell down to my sides as the vampire pinning me fell to the ground at my feet. I stared wide-eyed down at it before looking up and into the eyes of my best friend.

"You okay there, Maddie?" Dustin questioned, a black and silver gun in his left hand.

"Dustin!" I gasped, staring from him to the vampire that lain at my feet.

"Yo," he greeted me with a smile. "Looks like I got here just in time."

There was a loud crash from the other side of the room and Dustin and I turned to look. Damian was dusting off his hands and the last vampire was lying motionless on the ground. Damian turned to us and smirked.

"It's so much easier when you don't have to deal with three enemies at the same time," he told us while walking over. "Are you okay?" He scrutinized my face and placed a hand at my neck.

"I'm okay," I told him, blushing slightly. I tried to push his hand away but it didn't budge.

"Your neck's bleeding."

"Did you let him bite her, you blood sucker?" Dustin hissed, grabbing my head and wrenching to the right so he could see my neck better.

"Um, ow!" I said angrily. "Let go!"

"She didn't get bit!" Damian denied, pulling Dustin's hand away from me. "I think it was just sliced. There are no puncture holes."

I clapped a hand over my neck and scowled at Dustin. "You almost broke my neck!"

"I needed to look at it!" Dustin responded, frowning at me.

"Whatever," I dismissed it with a sigh. Than I gasped. "Ayden!" Was he okay? Was he still fighting that other vampire?

"Ayden what?" Damian demanded, his gaze hardening. "Where is he?"

"He's in your room! A vampire was up there, it attacked me and then Ayden came and he started fighting him!" I explained, mostly for Dustin because Damian obviously knew from reading my mind.

"Stay here," Dustin and Damian commanded, both turning quickly for the door.

"If anything happens, scream," Dustin added before slipping out the door.

I stared at the door for a few seconds before sinking to the ground. Was this how it would be from now on? I never thought that there might actually be problems that came along with being vampires. I held out my arms. They were bloody and scratched up. A few bruises were even starting to form. I groaned and shook my head. How was I going to explain this to Will?

The house was dead silent for the next few minutes. I rested against the wall, eyes open and vigilant. There wasn't any screaming or crashes, so I guessed it was safe to assume that the fighting had ceased.

I heard the door open and quickly stood up, bracing myself for whoever, or whatever, was coming in. Relief rushed through me when I saw it was Damian. He walked into the room, seeming not to notice me. But when he did he stopped and scowled at me.

"Who are you?"

I stared at him in confusion. "Damian? It's me, Maddie. What are you talking about?"

"I am not Damian," Damian said in an irritated tone, glaring at me.

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