Chapter 7: What's Going On?

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"You've got to stop doing that," he whispered to me. Stepping closer so I could feel his breath on my cheeks and smell his minty breath.

Stop what?" I asked innocently.

"Saying things that make me want to kiss you," my breath got caught in my throat as he kissed me.

Wait... What?

I sat up and squinted as the light was blinding me.

"Stop jumping on the bed Shawn!" I yelled at him. He laughed and stopped jumping and just sat on the edge of the bed. I yawned and walked to the dresser and started brushing my hair.

"Nice outfit, Kylie," Shawn laughed. I felt my cheeks flush as I realized I was wearing one of Shawn's old band tees and a pair of black spandex that were a little too short.

"Oh my gosh shut up," I finished brushing my hair and sat on the bed beside Shawn.

"So what are you doing in here? I'm guessing Mahogany let you in," he nodded.

"The boys and Mahogany went to the pool and invited us. I told them I'd come wake you up." I actually noticed that Shawn was wearing swim trunks and a 'bro' tank.

"Eh I guess so." I stood up and opened my suitcase and looked through my swimsuits.

"How about this one?" I held up a watermelon printed bikini from Forever 21.

"Too showy," he said. I pouted. It was my favorite swimsuit. Shawn walked over and sat down and held up a white and grey chevron strapless tankini and some white bikini cut bottoms.

"I like this one," he said. I laughed. It was the most modest swimsuit I owned. I grabbed it from him and went to the bathroom to change. I put on a pair of flip flips and we left making sure I had my key.

"So what else are we doing today?" I asked Shawn. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"I was think we could have a best friend date. We still have to make our relationship look believable," I grinned.

"That sounds perfect! We haven't had one of those in forever!" We continued out small talk as I braided my hair and secured it with a hair tie. We got to the pool to see everyone in the water except mahogany who was tanning in her two piece. I walked over and started tanning with her.

"Are you not gonna come swim with your boyfriend?" Shawn pouted.

"Nope," I said while popping my p and smirking. Shawn kept pouting but left me alone.

Mahogany and I talked for about 30 minutes of random stuff until I felt drips of water dropping on me. I opened my eyes and saw my 'boyfriend' hovering over me.

"Shawn stop I'm trying to get tan," I whined. He smirked and picked me and threw me over his shoulder as he started walking already knew he would throw me in the pool so I stayed quiet. Aw Shawn has such a cute butt! Wait what? Ugh that dream is making my emotions run wild.

Shawn finally threw me into the pool and I came back up and glared at him. Although it was rather hard seeing as Shawn had gone to the gym a lot more recently and I really wanted to stare at his abs.

"You lookin thirsty Kylie," Cameron yelled from across the pool. I blushed as Shawn held out his hand to help me out. I smirked and did the obvious. Pulled him into the water. He came up and choked a little before trying to glare at me. I put on an innocent face and a pout.

"Sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," I had my hand on his chest as he just stared at me. I started laughing and Shawn snapped out of his daze.

"You know that wasn't very nice," Shawn whispered in my ear. I giggled and shrugged. He groaned and I swam to the edge of the pool and got out. Shawn followed me and got out also.

"You guys we're heading to get a bite to eat see you guys later," Shawn informed them of our plans and we waved and walked off.

*45 minutes later*

I had taken a shower and put on some makeup and got dressed in a pair of distressed high waisted shorts and a tight cropped band tee and a thin black cardigan since it was a little windy. I pulled on my burgundy converse and left my hair natural. I heard a knock and opened the door and saw a smiling Shawn.

"Hey! You look great!" Shawn complimented. I blushed and grabbed his hand and intertwined our hands. Shawn smiled at me and we started walking down the street.

"So lover boy where are we going?" I teased. He made a zipper motion to his lips signaling that he wasn't going to tell me.

"Why do guys always do that? It's so lame. Like I bet we're going to Wendy's and then we'll go get milkshakes," Shawn sighed, defeated.

"Yeah except frozen yogurt instead of milkshakes." My phone started ringing a few minutes later. I answered as soon as I saw the caller ID.

"MCKENZIE! You're so lame you haven't even tried calling or texting me in forever!" I heard her laugh.

"Welllllll sorry I've just been busy with my new beau," I gasped.

"Tyler asked you out?!," Shawn looked at me with a smirk.

"No I'm over him! Brian did! He's so sweet and he's picking me up for a movie later." I "awwed" and she continued telling me how he asked her out until Shawn and I reached the frozen yogurt place.

(AUTHER'S NOTE- if you don't remember Brian go back to chapter 2.. He's Shawn's best friend in this book)


omg so you guys I went to Winn Dixie with my mom and omg the guy that checked us out was legit the cutest guy ever (like legit he could've been a tumblr boy I swear) and he looked my age like omg he was so cute like can I have yo numba. Can I have it?!

^legit wrote that authors note like 3 months ago oops but anywho, I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IM SO TERRIBLE. Plus this was a terrible chapter oops. I'll try to update tomorrow... Or this week.. Eh I'm lazy. QUESTION TIME: when do you start back school?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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