Chapter 8- Nothing's The Same

Start from the beginning

"Look, Fairy Tail's even more of a dump than last time we showed up." The man at the head of the group sneered,

"What the hell do you want?" Chase's tone was unusually cold and flinty, a stark contrast to how gentle and patient he usually was. He stopped in front of the group, Macao and Wakaba on either side of him as they made one small line blocking the unwanted arrivals from the rest of the Guild.

The small band of Twilight Ogre Mages smiled wryly, hands on their hips and sneering as they glanced around the hall- the man at the head glowering slightly at the line of men that blocked their path, smirking slightly at what disgruntled look passed across Chase's expression for a minute.

"Oi, don't go giving me that look, I might just have to tell the Master we need to double the interest." The man snickered, Chase's eyes flashed as he frowned at the words.

".... let me eat them, please?" The cream-colored Exceed grumbled hotly to the dark-grey she-cat beside her.

"... no." Was the short reply, she earned an annoyed hiss in return.

"We already payed you this month, why are you here?" Macao grumbled lowly, the man at the head picked his nails, looking nonchalant a moment and smiling slightly.

"Yeah, about that- the Master's decided to increase your monthly pay." He snickered, Macao stiffened along with several others in the Guild, Chase's eyes flashed, narrowing to slits as his hands tightened around his arms.

"That is not part of the deal." Chase replied lowly, his usually light and carefree tone giving way to something flinty.

"Don't go tellin' me what the deal is an what it isn't." Was the sharp reply, "You lot ain't got any leverage, you owe us and we get to pick the rules." That man stepped up, right up toward Chase as he glared up at the Energy Mage, smiling darkly as Chase grimaced at how close he got so suddenly- their faces were barely a few inches apart.

"You Fairy Tailers are weak as weak can be, what're ya gonna do? Huh?" He sneered,

The Exceeds had gotten to their feet, ears flat against their heads and eyes glinting in muffled anger. Solana and Aisha had risen to, their eyes narrowed and sweatdropping- a small flash of anger rising in their cores at the sheer fact that that man had even dared try and stare Chase down.

"Chase..." Macao warned lowly, looking a little nervous as he saw the small, quick flash of anger appear in the Energy Mage. He didn't want a fight to break out and he usually wasn't all that worried about Chase being the one to cause one- but in that instant he could see the anger rising and he wasn't sure Chase was gonna keep himself from hitting that idiot.

".... I don't know, get any closer and you might just find out what I'll do." Chase muttered lowly, his tone icy. Aisha and Solana sweatdropped, looking a little nervous now too. ".. maybe your Master will use the money he keeps stealing from us to pay your Hospital bills." The man glared, looking furious as Chase leaned in, taller than the other man by a few inches at least, his blue gaze shining with the most icy fire any of Fairy Tail had seen in him for a long, long while. "Or maybe he won't, he's too greedy to even think about giving up a single bit of Jewel on you idiots."

Wakaba and Macao sighed, sweatdropping heavily as they deflated, seeing the anger and the rage appear on the Twilight Ogre Mages in the next instant, hands balling into fists and all glares.

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