Chapter 2- Things Change

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Chapter 2
Things Change

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"Hey, Teach."

The wind blew over the grassy hill lazily, the sunlight shining against the cool green blades as they shifted and moved in the wind- the distant shimmering expanse of the sea resting on the horizon, dotted just before it the buildings and homes of a distant sea-side town. The wind blew into her face, bringing the scent of the sea to her nose and the sound of seagulls faintly on the wind, her silver gaze resting on the distant figures as she stood in absolute silence, her face hidden by the hood of her cloak.

"Hmm?" She hummed back quietly, not bothering to look back toward the familiar voice- accompanied closely with three Energy Signatures she knew so very well.

"You're being awfully quiet today." Chase replied softly, he tucked his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans, his form fitting dark shirt hardly ruffled by the wind, midlength black hair swept back by it. His blue gaze rest on her figure as she remained with her back to him, "What's on your mind?"

"... Its like nothing's changed, in the seven years." Frea replied softly, wistfully almost. "The ocean, the city.... Its all the same, just like it was."

Chase blinked, letting out a small sigh as he glanced away, sweatdropping slightly.

If only that were really true.... He chuckled slightly, a small smirk creasing his lips as he shook his head.

"You know, you say things like that a lot more than you ever used to. More philosophical." He replied lightly, chuckling a little and earning a small humm from her in reply. "The job's done, so its time to head back... You coming, Teach?"

Frea's head tilted down, her eyes shutting softly as she let out a small breath.

The ocean, the city.... Those were the same. Everything... It was like it had just stopped, like she was stuck. She'd felt that way for seven years, like she was frozen in time with no way out.

But in reality, everything was different now... She just couldn't feel it. She was numb,

".... You three head back to the Guild, I have some other things to take care of." She replied, shifting slightly- the small silver pendent around her neck glinting in the sunlight as she started forward down the hill. Chase blinked at the response, but shook his head without questioning it- he didn't need to, that's just how things were.

"... It was good seeing you again though, Kid. I'll be back at the Guild before too long... Hopefully." She added in softly, he nodded a little.

"You got it, Teach." He murmured, slowly turning toward the two awaiting figures behind him, a pair of emerald and deep purple gazes set on him intently. He smiled warmly, nodding his head to them as he started forward, Frea moving down the hill and away from them steadily- not even bothering to cast a glance back.

"Well, you heard her." He smiled, "Back to the Guild it is."

Its been seven years.... Since Master, Natsu... Erza, Mira... Gray, Juvia.... Lucy, Elfmam.... Bixlow, Freed, Evergreen.... Lisanna... Gildarts... Wendy..... Levy, Gajeel... Happy, Lily, Carla... Cana... Since all of you disappeared, lost in the dark breath of the Apocalyptic Dragon. Seven years since Fairy Tail was broken... And seven years since even Laxus fell from the face of the planet.

Its been seven years of standing in a glass jar, watching the world go by around me, changing around me, changing with it... But always trapped.

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