Chapter 16- Out Of Your League

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Chapter 16
Out Of Your League

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"Hmmm..." Frea hummed under her breath softly, her eyes locked to the familiar sight of the ceiling of her room overhead. Her hands were woven together over her stomach lightly, eyes glittering, laying in bed- and her mind probably couldn't be farther from her home.

Her senses were cast further than that, out toward the town, to the people- every single living person with their own unique Energy Signature. She recognized many, having spent years searching for them in the entirety of the town from that very same room- but it was the lack thereof of several Energy Signatures now she was really curious on.

There had been quite the wash of anticipation and excitement following the proposal to enter Fairy Tail in the Grand Magic Games. Not at all surprisingly, the Tenrou Team as a whole seemed more than ready to jump in and give them a try- for money, or fun, or bettering the Guild's reputation- it didn't really matter. They were willing, and excited.... Even if it seemed something of a long shot.

She seemed to have encouraged it though, more than she realized she would- her simple comment of thinking the Guild 'had a chance' seemed to have caused quite the stir, that even she had been a bit surprised by.

She wasn't even sure why she thought they had a chance, she just did- some feeling in her center that didn't go away. Anticipation, almost.... there was something, some event coming, and she could feel it deep down inside of her. The same feeling that had her feeling that this years GMG were going to be something to remember...

Magnolia was lacking in persons of near everyone who had come back from Tenrou this morning- including Master Makarov.....

I suppose everyone wants to get as much training in as they can for the Games, hmm..?

Frea shook her head slightly, smiling a little to herself as she sighed- then halted.


Her eyes narrowed at the ceiling, a flash of gold appearing in her minds' eye, a flicker of a thing that made her nose twitch and her body tingle slightly.

...... now what's this..?

Her eyes flashed in the dim of the room as she tapped her fingers slightly,

........ are you coming to see me?

She smirked,

Now that is odd of you.


"Morning, Sunshine." Frea smirked, her hand tapping lightly against the doorframe as she leaned against it. The door swung open in front of her, the bed set straight across from it groaning as Corbynn shifted atop it, his hair all messed up and blue eyes glittering frostily as he peeked his head up from the comforter.

"...... what do you want...?" Corbynn growled lowly, Frea smirked a tiny bit more at the less than enthused reaction.

"Mind cooking me up some breakfast real fast?" Frea smiled, his eyes narrowed.

"What in the hell for..?" He growled, letting his head fall back under the comforter so his face was hidden and his voice became muffled- Frea heard him easily still, as he knew she could.

"I'm hungry, of course." Frea answered easily. "Besides, you're supposed to be hanging around with Wendy and Carla today, before they head off to train, yeah? Can't sleep the whole day away, kiddo."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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