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I had been awake for hours silently compiling a list of people who are rich that I've served or knew in anyway aside from my family. I couldn't help myself but hope zuko was the one who took me but as much as I like to think that he made it extremely clear that he didn't want me...... never wanted me to be anything to him.

I guess sokka would be entering the cafe about now to find me gone or maybe he thinks I'm taking a day off or I'm late. Knowing sokka, he's setting up the tables right about now. Hopefully sokka actually knows how to make my tea or has enough common spence to just preheat all the other tea I had made for emergency situations such as this.

I just hope he doesn't damage my business too much. I mean everyone in the south pole called sokka the fireworks for a reason. He could set anything on fire always ending in explosive endings. To honest I wondered how the community survived. In all honesty I don't know how the community survived the barbecue with sokka running the cooking. The chief.... dad was so mad I swear sokka was lucky there was still food that was eatable  or he would have been eaten.

It brought a smile to my face. Then suddenly there was a knock at the door.

I asked, "who is it?"
The voice replied, "zuko"
My breathe hitched in my throats and I stuttered out a reply.

, " what do you want? Why did you Take me?"
, "all I want is for us to talk and you to see that I've always wanted you"
, "like that's going to happen zuko you've shown me you don't want me so why try and fake it? You need to let me out of this vineyard I have to get to work"

He laughed at my words. I could tell my face was red because of how mad I was but some of us actually have to work...ok not true I could retire if that was something that was important to me but lol I want is to continue doing the work I love. I only take about ten dollars out of every three hundred dollars.

My cafe makes about five hundred dollars a day and about fifteen thousand five hundred dollars a month. So it pays really well.

," I've asked my uncle to work in the cafe for a month he just loves tea so he is perfectly capable of the task yeah"
," my cafe better be in one piece when I return or your mince meat you got it?"
," yes katara may I enter?"
,"yeah sure"

After that little fight from other side of this door I realise I'm causing her to worry but I quickly realise she's sweating in a freezing room. Which begs the question why is she nervous ? Is she attracted to me the same way I am to her? Or does the thought of being alone with me petrify her? Or is it a mix of both?

Only time will tell or maybe I can get he to see my intentions that I speak of are the truth.

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