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I don't know what's worse zukos new found look of obsession or the fact that I like that it was aimed towards me. This is going to drive me mad. Yes,  I like zuko, yes he is my soul bound soulmate, yes he has caused me nothing but misery, yes I live in his nation to be closer to him but....it doesn't stop the pain I felt when he was with his ex, when I ran away from him. The constant ache I feel when I realized how quickly he moved on. He is only looking for me so he won't feel the pain any longer.

With that I slink back to the kitchen writing additions to bills, tabs and I owe yous exchanged throughout the day.  About twenty minutes after I started I could feel zuko gaze on my face. I waited for him to knock on the door but it never came. So i waited  for him to do something to let me actually know he's there so I won't be caught out in my perfect lie.  That I was actually paying him attention without looking or speaking about him. I think even if I don't do any of those things he'd still know fingers crossed he doesn't notice.


I was standing at her door waiting for her to look at me before I found my courage to speak but it looks like she's to submerged in her work to notice me.  When would I get the chance to tell her that I ended the war for her that I was chasing her not the avatar.

Sigh, like she'd ever believe me. Even if I did tell her I doubt she would believe me. I swallowed  and knocked on the door .

She said with a little jump , "prince zuko what cab I help you with?"

I replied ,"I just wanted to say katara what you have done is amazing  it makes the people that come her happier really but, I was wondering if you'd give me a chance just one"

, "zuko, I....i've given you numerous chances any you broke all of them I don't think I can be anywhere near you. You broke my heart and this is my telling you to take a hike and leave me alone. I don't want you even if that means being alone for the rest of eternity or slowly during From a strange disease that no-one can cure. If it ment me getting away from you I'd chance it and be happy about any punishment I'm given."

She then use her blood bending to make me leave her shop. I didn't go far. As soon as I was free I went to get closest window near us and peered inside to see her crying my heart broke.  I walked into the shop and saw sokka coming towards the bars kitchen I walked towards him he had a cup of water I secretively slipped some hydro-drug it's basically a drug that works exclusively for water benders. It takes many five minutes and knocks them out. 

I say , "hay man "

Sokka replies, "hay bro where's Kat?"

,"well katara basically bended me away from her so i've come to ask a favour from you"

, "(sigh) what do you need man?"

,"could you not show up for work for like a month and a half?"

,"who will take my place?"

,"I will it'll give us time to bond and time for me to explain to her"

He gave in eventually gave in and carried the cup of water to katara and I left watching her threw her window.

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