Rules for Request pt5

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Okay so far I really like writing this book, but I have like no requests coming in. Look this is something I would love to continue, but I have rules for this book.

Like first off I dont write personal ones. I write in the sense of Y/N only.

Second I said this before Im not really fond of writing for the reader as a ship's child I wont be posting much like that. You can request them, but theres a chance I wont do them.

Third I need a background of what you want for the story.


I would like a Regina Mills x Reader. Where the reader and Regina fight all the time because they dont want to admit their real feelings, but in the end they do.

Forth I write for almost all of the OUAT Characters. So asked if you would like a character that isnt below.

Emma Swan
Killian Jones
Regina Mills
Zelena Mills
Robin Hood
Belle French
David Nolan
Snow White
Henry Mills
Rumple Gold

They can be any of the following type of story

Friendship type

Also please let me know if you chose a female character and want it with a female reader and they are more then friends. I would need to know this so I dont mess it up.

Please go off my rules so it easier for me to write them. I really want to do this, but its hard when I dont get many requests.

Also dont be shy you can request as many times with any character, but different background stories.

Also I need them to make sense and not be all jumbled up and hard to understand. Make sure when you write a request you read it over and you know what its saying. That way I dont get confused on how you want it.

I will write Male Reader x Female Character. I will write Female Reader x Male Character. I will also write Female Reader x Female Character.

But I will NOT write Male Reader x Male Character. So do not Request them because I wont do them.

Oh and if you dont want other people to see your request you can always PM the message request to me.

Also If I posted prompts in the past I will not be writing for them again. If new prompts come out then you can request on them, but previous prompts are no longer able to be requested.

Okay please send me some Request. Please make them original. Okay.

Okay now you can request, but please go off of the rules. Thanks now go request.

Once X Reader Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ