chapter 2: "My pretty little bird, My love"

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"Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters." 


Here i was

Sitting in 3rd period with my body facing completely towards the board.

i could feel his eyes staring a hole in the back of my head but i didn't dare to turn around.

"Ok class were going to be reading a novel together called "pretty bird" at the end of class you will be asked to write an analysis on it or a summary. Yes you have to work with a partner,so don't come up and ask me jorja."

I put my head on my desk to avoid the attention that was just brought to me.

I hated this teacher because he was all about teamwork and participation he really wanted this boring ass ELA class to be interesting, but it truly wasn't.

"Ok so i will assign the partners now. Ummmm
chris and karla, sarah and lola, melanie and jorja-"

"Um excuse me mr. harris who is this jorja?" The girl melanie asked with a huge smile on her face.

He pointed over to me and her smile quickly faded.

"Oh hell no! I'm not working with her!" She yelled causing everyone to look.

O why? why did you have to drag attention towards us, you couldn't have said that a little quieter!?

"Watch your language young lady."

She rolled her eyes, "no i can't work with her."

"Why not?"
I asked out of nowhere.

Then everyone looked over at me.

I looked down hearing people make remarks like "she talks?" and "when did she get in this class."

Melanie smiled a big fake smile, "would you work with yourself if you were with me, and if you need help answering that question here's a mirror." She said pulling a small one out of her purse.

Shut the fuck up! Since when did it matter what you looked like when writing a report for an English class. Dumb bitch maybe i should be trying to get out of working with you.

I wanted to say but all i did was look down with my tongue hitting the side of my mouth.

Everyone laughed at her comment as i looked around seeing everyone with there mouths open in complete hysteria.

All except one.... christopher.

That pissed me off even more.

Why wasn't he laughing and doing what everyone else does so he doesn't stand out and is easier to ignore.

"All work with her Mr. Harris"

Everyone stopped laughing and i heard some people say things like "who is he, he's fine as hell."

"Well then pick a spot in the room and grab the book from the back shelf." Mr. Harris said then continued calling out the partners.

I walked to the back of the class and sat at an empty table.

Christopher or 'chris' what mr. Harris called him. eventually came and sat the book in front of me.

I grabbed the book and began reading the first page.

"Jorja you want to take turns reading instead so no one reads ahead." Chris said like he knew me forever.

He is so smooth the way he talks. It's so effortless and carefree especially when he says jorja.

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