Prince Rival (Prince!Jumin Han x F!Reader x Prince!Zen/Hyun Ryu)

Start from the beginning

Jumin pulled her ever so close, this felt almost like magic. Until he kissed her, it felt too magical to be real.

★━━━ Ending #2 ━━━★

Hyun stepped out of the carriage with a huge smile. A chuckle then escaped his lips. The male behind him (Yoosung) stepped out as well. He slightly moved up to stand right next to him. Yoosung was a noble from the Saeyoung Saeran, and (y/n)'s kingdom. He hitched a ride with Hyun due to their blooming friendship. They entered into the ballroom. Hyun's eyes were dancing around to find (y/n). Yoosung already ran off with Saeyoung, lovebirds, how romantic.

Anyways, Hyun spotted Saeran and (y/n) chatting with one another. Saeran was kind of poking her sides to make her giggle. Indeed she was giggling but she ended pushing his hand away. (y/n) played with her just a tad bit. Hyun smiled as they got sight of one another. (y/n) smiled and waved just a tad. Hyun made his way towards Saeran and the female. Though when he got closer, Saeran walked off to go find something else to do.

"Evening, Hyun." She smiled.

Hyun smiled and kissed both of her cheeks, "Good evening, Darling."

(y/n)'s heart skipped a beat when he said that. (y/n) pulled him close with a huge smile, "Aww, you're too cute!"

Hyun chuckled and kissed her forehead. For being friends, he was being super friendly and cute. (y/n) didn't mind all of the kisses. He has such soft lips and a nice smile, who wouldn't want those kisses? (y/n) held his hand ever so close to him, Hyun's smile widened. Jumin was going to be jealous. Hyun lead her out to the ballroom dance. Such a lively song was playing for the two of them. As they danced around, switching partners and all. (y/n) giggled louder and louder. As they came back to their original partners, Hyun picked her up and spun her around.

"Hyun! Ahaha!" (y/n) laughed.

He placed her back onto the ground and spun her around. After the spin he dipped her as the last chords of the song played. (y/n) pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. After the kiss they nuzzled. Though as Hyun brought her back up, he kissed her forehead.

★━━━ Bonus Ending (Yoosung Kim & F!Reader) ━━━★

"Yoosung!" Sang (y/n) as she clung onto his arm.

Yoosung smiled, "Hey (y/n)!"

(y/n) looked up at him and nuzzled him, "How is my best friend?"

"I'm fine, but a little confused. I can't believe Saeyoung has to tend to other duties. But I know he's the upcoming king, so it's only normal. I'm not mad, I just wish he's okay. I don't know what's it's like to be royalty, but I'm still worried. I bet it's hard."

(y/n) sighed, "Well, we can hang out while he's gone."

"That would be nice." He patted her head, "So, should we eat?"

(y/n) nodded, the two shared a plate. They both got stuff they both loved to eat. After they ate, they ran around and danced together. Even after all of this, Saeyoung still wasn't here. But Saeran got to join the little fun group. He often teased the both of them. Saeran is a good big brother, but when he teases, (y/n) wants to punch him.

Yoosung likes it when Saeran is funny, but teasing is out of the question. He isn't trying to be mean, he's just trying to poke fun. It's fun to watch them get flustered. (y/n) completely forgot about Jumin and Hyun for the night. But she still had small chit chats with them. That was fun, after about 45 minutes, the music came to a halt. Everyone looked up at the stage, Saeyoung was standing in front of the band.

The whole ballroom left Yoosung in the middle of the floor. He was all embarrassed as everyone stared at him. (y/n) and Saeran knew what was coming. Saeyoung jumped off the stage and the band played calming romantic music. He walked up to his lover and took his hand. Yoosung's cheeks went even redder. He shivered.

Saeyoung placed on kiss on his hand and got down on one knee. He pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it. He presented the ring. Everyone of the audience gave a sharp gasp. (y/n) and Saeran knew all along about this though. Yoosung covered his mouth as tears came to his eyes.

"Yoosung, you made me the happiest man alive. I could not live without you, every day when I'm not around you, I yearn for you. Your presence made me love every single thing about you. I want to marry me. So we can live the rest of our lives never apart. Even when I pass, I'll still hold you hand. I'll always be there." Saeyoung spoke for everyone in the whole ballroom to hear.

Tears fell from his face, he nodded and spoke, "Yes!"

Saeyoung placed the ring on his finger and got up. The shared a kiss as everyone clapped. (y/n) couldn't help but to tear up as well.

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