"I can't wait to work with you!," Juvia smiles lifting her dress and bowing slightly.

"Hey, you're a cat like me!" gasps Happy running over to meet Eve, Eve jumps off of my shoulder and stands in front of Happy.

"This is so cool! I can't believe you're really real! I couldn't believe it when I heard there's another cat that can fly and speak!" exclaims Eve spreading her wings. The pink haired guy looks down at Eve with a little surprise, but otherwise, keeps his glowering expression.

Once the other three are finished talking to Juvia they turn towards me, the red headed woman is the first to speak, "hello there, I'm Erza, and these are my companions, Gray," she points to the navy blue haired guy, "Lucy," the blonde, "Happy," the cat, guessed that one right, "and Natsu," the upset pinkie. Wait! Natsu! He's the other dragon slayer!

Trying to hide my surprise when she introduced Natsu I introduce myself, "I'm Yami," I say quietly.

"And I'm Eve!," Eve proudly announces, the three look at her astonished.

"Another talking cat?!," freaks Lucy.

"Hey, what's wrong with talking cats?!," scowls Eve, uh oh.

"She's just surprised, we don't really see a lot of you guys," Gray quickly explains to her. Eve only nods still scowling, I look back at Natsu for a moment with silent admiration, I have to talk to him! When he's in a better mood of course.

"We've also added another new member to the guild, someone you might recognize," chimes in Master. They all turn to look who it is.

"I wonder who it is," Happy wonders aloud. They all gasp stopping dead seeing a man with long black hair and piercing red eyes sitting at a table by himself, the man glares at them.

"What?! Him?! Are you kidding me?!," Gray exclaims in surprise.

"Gajeel!," growls Natsu as him and Gray both get into fighting stances.

"Why did you let him in here gramps?!," questions Gray angrily glaring at Gajeel. Why do they hate Gajeel so much? Did he do something to them? Is he a big meanie like that Seth guy? Juvia quickly gets in between the boys to try to calm them down, saying she asked him to join so he could find work.

"I don't mind Juvia, but he's the one responsible for destroying our guild hall!," snaps Erza a murderous look on her face. What?! I quickly pick up Eve fear, seeping into my body, why would he do that to the guild? He must be a really mean bad guy! I shake a little holding Eve close, I want Ange-sama now, she told me there were no bad guys in Fairy Tail, was she lying? Or did she not know? Gajeel just looks away from us seemingly annoyed.

"Now, now, what have I taught you? Yesterday's enemy can be today's friend, right?" Master states clearly reminding them of his lesson. But, why would this scary guy want to be a friend to the guild if he's hurt it before? Not wanting to be around the scary guy Gajeel anymore I go sit at a random table cuddling Eve.

"He seems scary," mumbles Eve as we watch the others argue about Gajeel. Gajeel and Natsu get in each other's faces growling like dogs. Eventually, Gajeel storms off and Natsu goes to walk away when the lights suddenly go out.

*Angelina's POV* (Sorry I keep switching POV's)

I walk in the guild making sure to be really quiet while entering, shutting the door gently behind me. The lights are all off in the guild except for a single spotlight on the stage where Mira is singing gently while playing the guitar, I smile watching her for a moment before focusing on the task at hand. Looking around the Guild everyone is listening to Mira's music with a peaceful look on their faces. Perfect distraction! Now no one can give away my position! Being as sneaky as humanly possible, since I'm not a freaking ninja, unfortunately. 

I find my friends table where they are sitting. My heart swells seeing their faces as they watch Mira, Erza's eyes are closed as she listens with a peaceful look on her face, are those bandages on her body? I wonder what happened, must have been from their last job. Gray is sitting next to her just watching Mira with his usual cool guy look, he seems a little different than when last I saw him, I wonder why? It's like he's changed a little somehow. Next to him is Natsu, a sour look on his face as he sips his drink, I can guess why he's so upset, Natsu has never been one to take change lightly. 

It's perfect that they're all sitting on a single side of the table, that just means I can get them easier! The only weird thing is there's some blonde chick sitting across from them with her eyes shut as she listens to the music, Happy sitting next to her on the table enjoying a fish. Magic along the lines of a celestial wizard's hums from the blonde's body, curious, I've never met a celestial wizard before. If she is one though Yami will be really happy considering how much she is fascinated by the magic. 

Taking slow careful steps I stay low to the ground as I sneak towards my three friends, a couple other members of the guild spot me, but keep quiet as we exchange knowing looks with one another. I manage to make it behind Gray and freeze, he's in the middle between Natsu and Erza so it's the perfect place to stop. 

A very slight temperature drop surrounds Gray's form as he sits in front of me, it's almost comforting feeling the temperature change in a way. Gray has always had this coldness around him due to his magic, so being in the cold or having a fan on around me always reminded me of my best friend. I think it's fun, he has a slightly cold personality, uses ice magic, and even the air around him is a little colder, but, he's actually very warm, he was always there for me when I needed help and comforted me whenever I needed it the most. I
Of course I was there for him in return. Not without an argument though, he always acted so tough. Like nothing was bothering him, but would be very on edge with everyone and would never allow anyone to get close to him those days. Whenever those days happened I always made him talk to me or gave him a hug if needed. 

Mira's song ends and cheers erupt in the guild, yes! Taking the moment as my time to act since there are only a few minutes in between performances usually, I pounce. "GRAY!," I squeal jumping up and wrapping my arms around him tightly. 

"HUH?!," all 5 people at the table chorus, Gray turns around shocked, along with Natsu and Erza. Soon though, their shock turns to bright, happy smiles. 

"Angelina," Gray laughs turning around fully and embracing me back. "Man, I thought I wouldn't see your face again for a lot longer!"

"I managed to come back early, and I'm a lot stronger!," I cheer. 

Gray lets me go and Erza pulls me into one of her strong, strangling hugs, I smile doing my best to not show how hard it is to breathe as she hugs me. "I'm just glad you made it home safely, now that you're back we can go on plenty adventures together," grins Erza, I nod excitedly as she lets me go. 

"So you've gotten stronger huh?," smirks Natsu standing up, "well then why don't you fight me?!," his fist engulfs in flames as he gives me a challenging stare. As I go to give my answer the stage lights suddenly come on again revealing a guy in a white tux with black hair and a guitar on his lap. Everyone turns away from me and looks at the man in shock, booing filling the room. Gosh, usually we support each other in the guild, why would they boo? Unless IS THAT IS BLACK STEEL GAJEEL?! Gajeel announces the name of his song, which is apparently, 'Best Friend,' and starts rocking out. WOW, HE'S NOT HALF BAD! I cheer along with a few of the others who are cheering as Gray looks at me as if I'm nuts. 

"What?! He's pretty good!'Shooby do ba~" I sing along slightly, giggling. 

"This is terrible!," exclaims Natsu covering his ears, he's probably not even listening to it, he's most likely just basing his opinion of the song on the performer himself and not the actual music. As I go to argue with him Gajeel throws his guitar in his face, infuriating Natsu. They jump for each other and start brawling, damaging the guild hall in the process making everything else turn into a frenzy. 

"Cut it out you two!," yells Gray turning towards the two, he knocks me hard into my shoulder making me take a step back and knock into Erza, who was eating her strawberry cake and she dropped it! CRAP I'M SO DEAD! Right as I go running Elfy takes her attention off of me by stepping on her cake, making her snap and attack him. Soon everyone is fighting everyone, I block a punch as it's thrown my way, and dodge a kick as I deliver a low blow to a random male member of the guild, grinning like mad while doing so. I missed this so much! This truly is home now that my best friends are here. 

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