The constant fear and work that I do is starting to wear off on my body, making me have almost zero strength and low blood sugar. The place I hang out most now is the bars, where my consumed alcohol washes away my worries and makes me feel like I'm sixteen again.

Finally, after I bop an old and probably completely unhygienic dummy into Hazel's mouth, she stops crying. I smile and kiss her on the forehead. I lay her down in her crib and head back to mine and Dylan's shared bedroom.
"There youuu are! Finaaaally!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up into the air. I roll my eyes.
"Night-gown off." He demands, climbing into bed. With teary eyes, I slip off my nightgown and throw it to the side of the bed.

I slowly make my way to the bed, trying to wipe my teary eyes. Why am I in this predicament? Dylan seemed so nice at first! I fell so hard for him. I could've just stayed with Harry. He was so nice. I'm just so bloody stupid.

I climb into bed with these thoughts in my mind, trying to prepare for yet another night with unwanted touching and actions that Dylan demands to take from me.

Flashback over.


(Still Grace's POV)

I sit down pitifully on the couch as Harry cleans up the water that I stupidly spilt with my shaky hands. I thought water would take away my heavy desire of some sort of alcohol. I was tempted to go get some beer at a nearby pub before I came, but I forced myself to be sober. I'm not sure if Harry would be too keen on seeing me show up at his house with alcohol-infused breath. And it could permanently scar my chances of seeing Hazel ever again.

It's so weird to see Harry again. I haven't seen him for about two whole years! He still looks lavishing. I have missed him, I can't believe I gave up perhaps my only chance to be with him. I should've tried harder for us. For Hazel. Oh, Hazel.

Hearing her voice practically pushed my heart out of my chest. I was both sad and happy to hear it. Sad because I hadn't been able to hear it for two years because I gave her up. That was probably the biggest mistake I ever made in my life, and I'll probably never be able to live it down. I always have that grief hanging over my head like those clouds you see in cartoons when something bad happens to the character.

Harry comes over to the couch with a new cup of water for me. I thank him as he hands it to me, sitting across from me on his couch. I look at him as we sit in silence. His eyes are still that mysterious shade of green. Sometimes they would turn more dark green or light blue, but right now they are just a subtle green. The shade that his eyes were when I first met him.

"Hey, long time no see." He says finally, breaking the sick silence between us, forcing out a fake chuckle. I nod and forcefully chuckle as well. We both want to get the main point here, but there's no way to approach.

"So, uh, how's Hazel?" I ask, trying to make small talk I hopes of somehow getting to the questions that are lingering through our minds.
"She's good. A little goofball." He replies with a small smile etched on his face. I can tell he's taken good care of her for the past two years of her life.

I wonder what it was like for him in the beginning. What those first few weeks were like. Did he know what he was doing? Probably not. Did he manage to kill her? No. He probably wanted to kill me. I'm guessing he still does. I bloody left him with a baby that he probably didn't know was his. And I bloody left him in the middle of my pregnancy to be with some skunk bag who was a total wack job who hated Hazel as much as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt probably now hate each other.

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