Forever Together~<3 (Andy Biersack(BvB) Love story!)

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I was laying on my bed when I herd a knock on my window, I grew a smile on my faces and jumped off my bed. I looked out my window and it was him, just in time! Like always. I quietly open my window and started to climb out my window when he placed his hands on my waist and helped me out "Thanks" I said slowly closing my window. "No problem." He said as I turned to face him, man I love his deep sexy voice and his eyes and his lips with his lip ring! I just love everything about him. I have the hugest crush on Andy Biersack! I've known him for about 4 years now. 

...Let me tell ya about myself a little. My name is Harleigh but most people call me Harlz. When I was 4 my mom died, she got in a car crash on her way home from work. Two days before Mothers day. Anyways, I have a little brother, he's 12. My dad is kinda strict, he works a lot. He leaves for work when my brother and I leave for school and he comes back a half hour before dinner so every night I cook some dinner, he usually leaves chicken or something in the sink and leaves a note saying what he wants for dinner. When I got in 5th Grade I met Andy, I was being bullied for my style when he came up and pushed the other guys away and told them to leave me alone. I will never forget that day. I'm 15, my birthday is in 3 months. 

Andy always comes over to my house at 9PM charp since 6th grade and we are now in 9th grade going in 10th grade soon. 

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" I asked, he looked around and then looked at the stars "Lets just lay down under the tree. If you want to!" I giggled "Sure." We walked over the the big tree in my yard and layed down on the grass, we both looked at the stars for 5minutes. "The stars are so beautiful." I said while looking at each and every star, I saw in the corner of my eye Andy was looking at me so I turned my head and looked at him, we layed there looking at each other for about a minute tell I laughed a little "What?" I said "What?!" "Why you stairing at me?" I asked "Why you stairing at me!?" he asked "Because you're stairing at me!?!" He raised an eyebrow and looked confused for a second then he looked back at the stars and smilled. His smile slowly faided away, I looked at him confused "Is there something wrong Andy?" He didn't say anything, he was still looking at the stars and his smile slowly came back. "Andy!?" He still didn't say anything. 

"Andy!?" I snaped my fingers, he blinked quikly and shook his head "Huh? What? Oh sorry Harleigh! Were you trying to talk to me!?" I laughed a little "Yeah, I asked if there was something wrong?!" "Oh, no why?" "Um because he were smilling then you weren't then you were again haha." "Oh." he turned back to face the stars then looked around "Was just thinking." he said in a sad kinda voice "Do you wanna talk about it?" He looked back at me then at the grass and started to pull the grass out and played around with the grass in his hands.

He then looked back to me and after a couple of seconds he moved my bangs over a little to show my eyes more "You have such beautiful eyes, why hide them?!" I started to blush "I-I just like th-the style and um well uh yeah." Man I must sound stupid plus I was bluching badly! "You should show them more!" I giggled and blushed some more "Thanks, but if anyone it's you with the most beautiful eyes!"  He gave me a nice smile which was so damn cute! "Thanks!" He said then raised his hand again and moved my bangs once again "But I like yours better, they kinda remind me of a rain forest, dark green all around then light green and then more dark green around your puple!" I started to blush again. 

"Your eyes! Are like ice or the ocean, such a-such beautiful blue!" His eyes made my heart melt, I'd die for those eyes! I saw I light go on in my house, "Shit!" I whispered "What?" Andy asked kinda loud "Sshh!" I put my index on my lips and looked inside, "My dad is up!" I whispered again then got up and quietly open my window, I put one foot inside and turned to Andy "Bye." I whispered, he looked at the grass then back at me "Bye.." he said sadly, I slowly bent down and got my hole body inside. I looked at Andy as he started to walk home "Andy!" I whispered loudly, he turned around quickly "Yeah?" I smilled "Goodnight! See you tomorrow!?" He put on a fake smile "Goodnight, see ya!" He turned around and walked home. 

I slowly closed my window and jumped in bed and pretended I was sleeping just incase my dad came in. Thank god he didn't. 

I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't, I want to know why Andy seemed a little sad more  like a lot. What's going on? Why won't he tell me?! He always tells me everything, even how he wants to be in a band and take over the world haha. I really like him, I couldn't imagine life without him! I've never felt this way for someone before. 

Once I didn't hear my dad walk around anymore I got up and changed into my pajamas and went back to bed, not to long after that I past out. 

Andys P.O.V 

It's 2AM and I still can't get Harleigh off my mind, her eyes, smile, lips, hair, body, personnality EVERYTHING! She's just an amazing girl, I would actually thank those bullies from 5th grade right now, I'm not happy that they were bulling her but if they haven't we probably wouldn't be friends right now. CORRECTION *Best Friends!* 

I took out my phone and played some music and slowly started to fall asleep so I stop my music and closed my eyes and started to fall asleep again. 

-"Andy!" She yelled while running to me "Haha! Hey Harlz!" I started to run to her, we met up and hugged "Wanna go for a walk?" She asked "Sure, to the park?" I asked "Sure!" 

We started to walk to the park and talking about random things, once we got to the park we ran to the swings and started to swing. "I can swing higher then ya!" "You want to bet?!" "Lets go!" We started to swing higher and higher, I was really high and started to slip off the seat. I swong once more then slipt off my seat and landed on the ground "OH MY GOD ANDY!" Harleigh yelled then stop swinging and ran over to me "Are you okay?" I got up and whiped off all the durt off of me and looked at her "Yup!" I poped the p. We walked over to the tables and sat down for a minute "Hey wanna go see what's back there?" She pointed to a trail "Sure!" We both got up and started to follow a trail which lead us to a big tree that had another tree stuck to it, we sat down on the rock, it wasn't completely flat it was like a hill. We both layed there tell I rolled on top of her "Andy?!" She looked at me confused "What are-" "I'm sorry but I have to! It's driving me crazy how you aren't mine!" "And-" I stop her from saying anything with a kiss. "I love you Harleigh!" I said after braking the kiss. "Andy!" "Yeah?" "Wake up!" "What?" "Wake up Andy! Cm'on, wake up!"-

"Andy! Cm'on wake up! Time for school!" I open my eyes and saw my dad standing there "Get ready!" "M'okay" I got up and washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. "It was all a dream." I said to myself quietly "It was just a fuckn dream!" I droped the face cloth in the sink and walked out. 

After I was ready I had some toast, brushed my teeth and went off to the bus stop. I got there just in time for the bus. I walked on and sat down in the third seat, not to long after we got to Harleighs stop, she was running a little late again cause she had to run to the bus before it left. She got on the bus and looked over at me then smilled, she had a Three days Grace t-shirt on and black skinny jeans on, he teased her hair and had some eyeliner on and was wearing her black converse. I then smilled back. She walked up to me and sat down "Hey Andy!" "Hey b-Harleigh!!" She gave me a strange look then changed the subject acting like she didn't hear the b, I almost called her babe but I remember it was only a dream.

K sorry if this is kinda short but it's only the first Chapter! Should I continue?? Comment if I should please! If so I'll post Chapter 2 later!! (Later as in like couple of hours cause it's 3:30AM right now and I'm tired so when I wake up..) 

So yeah Comment or/and Vote if I should continue please!!!


Forever Together~&lt;3 (Andy Biersack(BvB) Love story!)Where stories live. Discover now