My name is Sara and I can control Fire and Water---Chapter 2----The Journey Begins

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In this next chapter I tried to explain a little more about Sara's journey, and how it began.

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Luckily I have a little help with the whole savin the world thing.

Here is the 411 on my best friend and roomie, Kaia.

She can control Earth, and I would anything for her. She's like the sister I never had. I've told her everything. Even about my fire/water combo powers.

She's blind. But that doesn't really give her any disavantages, because of her earth holding. Being a holder really means being a "beholder of power", but most people call them holders. She lost her sight in a Empire attack, and her parents lost their lives. We don't talk about that much, but that's why she lives with my mother and I.

Now that you know the 411 on her, we can get to when my journey began....


I woke up early, like I always do. Then I noticed smoke rising from one area. I thought it was i house fire and then I saw the smoke coming quicker. I knew what was happening. An Empire attack.

Note- The empire is the alliance between Fire and Wind. The combination is deadly and their only mission is to control the other societies and take over.

"Mom! Empire" I screamed running down the stairs.

"Pack your stuff, get Kaia, and get out of here." she said. I was shocked


"Sara, you are vital to bringing down the Empire. Without you, we have no hope. The tribe and I can hold them back" she said. This is my home, I couldn't leave.

"I want to stay and help."

"Go." my mother said "Go, or we have no hope."

"I love you, mom." I kissed her and began to pack.

"Pack light, you will do alot of walking and Kaia can grow some food." Kaia is a special earth holder and can grow plants.

"I ran to Kaia's room, and woke her up.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked

"Pack. We have to get out of here. Empire attack." I said and she immieditly jumped up, and began to pack. When we where both done packing we ran to say goodbye to my mother.

"Thank you for everythig" Kaia said.

"Good luck, sweeties." my mother said

"Thanks mom." I said"I love you so much."

"I love you too, sweetie. Before you go there is something I want you to know." she handed me a bag with an old before-the-empire fire society symble.

I gave my mother one last hug and left my home, never to see her or that house again.


What do you think is in the bag???


thanks for readin

My Name is Sara and I control Fire AND WaterWhere stories live. Discover now