Trained my guys well. 

I fast thanked them and went to help the other, I got punched right in the face. Blood was already dripping down my nose. I grabbed my gun and knocked him out with the back of it. Another man attacked me from the back again, I didn't hesitate to shoot. After we were done with 'cleaning' up the mess we headed all back to the meeting. I looked like a mess, blood all over my face.

"Bastards." I growled. I didn't understand why Marcus would send off his men to my territory.

I fast told the guys again to watch out for Marcus his men and be ready for the fight. Because it absolutely wouldn't be easy. 

*Kylie's POV*

I heard Harry unlocking the door, I sat in a corner crying silently. I whipped the tears away when I saw him enter the living room. But gasped at the same time. "Harry are you okay?" I said walking closer to him.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Kylie don't be nice to me!" He yelled. Okay then.

"Don't be, I'm fucking up your life and when you care for me, you mess me up even more." He said holing my hand. 

"We need to fix your face." I said a bit confused and walked him to the bathroom, I let him first wash his whole face. Then I cleaned all of his cuts.

"Thanks." Harry said.

I told him it was all right and went to my room. I decided to read some book Harry gave to me and got lost in the book.

"Hey wanna talk to your mama?" I heard Harry. I didn't heard him walking in to the room.

"Of course I want to!" I screamed out of happiness.

"But we need to make some rules." Harry said amused. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes, it makes my hands itch. You don't want a spanking do you?" Harry winked.

With that I decided to listen.

"When you call her, tell her you won't come back. Tell her just that you'll continue college here and already have found one. The same lie worked with Nessie so why not with you." He said.

"No, I won't do that!" I protested. With that Harry showed me his gun that was in-between his pants.

"I'll hurt your family." He said without missing a beat.

He then threw me my phone, he had taken it away from me when he first kidnapped me.

«40 messages»

«60 missed calls»

Jesus, I fast pressed on my mom's name and waited.

«Ring, Ring»

"Kylie?!" My mom yelled.

"Mom." My voice cracked, eyes already filled with tears. I always get weak when I hear my mom all worried. She makes me so happy. I miss her so much.

"Kylie! Why won't you answer your phone? Do you know how worred we go, at least Ness called us to let me know you were all right." Pause. "Ness told us you guys were planning on to stay there over the whole summer?" She said a bit mad. "Dad and I miss you." She added.

"Yeah mom, well plans got changed." I said looking at Harry. 'Please.' I mouthed. He just looked away.

"What?" My mom asked.

"College. We want to go to college here in London, we found a really adorable school here in central London." I said, I fast whipped the tear that fell on my cheek.

"Oh, yeah Ness told me about some college. But are you sure? I mean you already go to one here in LA, are you just going to leave this college and go that far away from dad and I?" I couldn't help my self and burst in tears.

"M-Mom, I really love London. I wanna stay here with Ness, please mom." I said.

"Ky are you okay?" 

"Yeah mom, please just let me stay here. Please." I tried. "Look I have enough money to pay this one all by myself without your and dad's help, remember when I worked my ass off, dealing with 3 jobs at the same time to not be such a bother to you guys? I'll use that money, remember when you always said education is very important, so I know it doesn't matter to you where I study. Please, Ness and I have planned out everything." I tried to lie, I wished I could just go back to LA.

After a silence she said okay, but that she wanted me to visit LA before college started. I said okay, not knowing if Harry would allow me to see her. 

We said our goodbye's and ended the conversation. 

Harry came immediately after the phone call towards me, grabbing my hand gently and brining to his soft looking pink lips. Leaving an innocent kiss.

"But hey babe, now you're stuck here forever." Harry said. 

A/N: Hiii guys, the end is rushed and the chapter is un-edited so my apoligises for any spelling/grammar faults. I really really hope you like this chapter and that you all are enjoying it so far. I have planned a really interessting end and I don't think you guys would like it. And the upcoming 2 chapters will be very interessting ohh. Vote, comment and feel free to share!


Love you lots. A. xx

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