Daddy wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest as he gripped my hair. "Jaycee..don't ever do that again." He mumbled, kissing the top of my head.

"Don't you listen!" Rabbit grunted, grabbing me by the shirt as he lifted me away from Daddy. I tried to wiggle around to get back to him, but Rabbit only lifted me higher. "She needs to be sanitized." Rabbit growled,

"Yea well. We'll handle that when we get medic support. They're just outside the city." Epps stated, squeezing my legs gently as he smiled at me. "Until then..let the kid be with her father. She's had quiet a trip to get here." He laughed, squeezing my leg as Rabbit brought me down to the floor again. He was mumbling under his breath a cranky old guy. 

Daddy grabbed me before I touched the ground, wrapping his arms tightly around me again. "Thank You Rabbit!" I smiled happily, trying to face the robot and waving as the bot stood up and nodded at me before he looked over at Ironguy.

Daddy followed my gaze and shifted me over so he was carrying me on his hip. Now he was watching the Autobots too, a serious look in his eyes. He was back as a solider, which mean I had to be too. 

I looked towards Ironguy like Daddy, trying to make my face all flat and serious.

"Prime. We couldn't save him." The big black mech was reporting in to his super, a sad look in his eyes as he handed off Jazzy. He looked more broken in this guys my toy soldier Ana broke. He was so small. 

I kinda miss his smile too.

"Ohh Jazz.." The tall robot sighed, holding onto Jazzy's broken body with a sad look in his eyes too. Jazz had a lot of friends and they all kept looking really sad. Maybe he really wasn't gonna wake up. He was a broken toy..that would never come back. Well he was more of a toy..but still. "He's not gonna wake he?" I whispered to Daddy, who just squeezed me tightly to him. I took that as a 'No'. Mommy sometimes squeezed me to tell me 'No'..only she was a lot harder when she did it. Daddy wasn't hard though, it was like a hug kinda.

I liked Daddy's 'No' hugs more than Mommy's pinches.

Ironguy was looking at us now, he nodded at me a bit and I smiled back waving happily. 

I think I spooked him a bit! Cause he quickly looked away. Maybe he didn't think I was gonna look..I did that sometimes. There was this boy on the playground..he said I was cute I punched him in the arm and ran away. Daddy said I did the right thing, and I thought so too, BUT I kept looking at him after that. And now when he looked at me..I fidgeted around. Just like Ironguy was right now. He didn't do anything but just sort of fidgeted as his super began to speak.

"We lost a great comrade, but gained new ones. Thank You. All of you. You honor us with your bravery." The super robot was saying, looking down at all of us after he took a long look at Jazz.

Rabbit kept watch on me as he walked in behind the two, he kinda seemed scary to be honest. Just sitting there...watching. like he was scanning for something. I tried to stare at him for a really long time to make him look away but it wasn't working. I wish it would.

"Permission to speak sir." A voice suddenly said, and I whipped around to see who it was. "Permission granted old friend." The super nodded, and I frowned. I didn't see any real old people around here. Maybe he was talking to a ghost?!?! Could he do that? Could all super's do that? Speak to ghosts!?! 

Could I be a super too because I could hear a ghost!?!? 

MAYBE JAZZY WAS A GHOST AND SUPER OLD TOO! I mean it made sense...old people smiled a lot at little kids. I should know. Daddy took me to nursing homes all the time, and I was always smiled at by older peoples...and kissed too. That was the sorta gross part, but Daddy always said it was good to do it so I was tough like a soldier. I even kissed them back too.

Jaycee Lennox *Bayverse Fanfiction*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin