So let's start at when you asked me on the date

It was the second term of school, when you asked I was sat with Liam talking about a certain lad Liam liked

"Hi Zayn, do you have a minute to talk" you asked which I friendly accepted

"Of course, what you want" I questioned as I walked with you to the corner

"Well I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me" you asked and to be fair, I didn't find you attractive at all

"Sorry Gigi but you're not my type at all" I told you trying to be kind but that didn't work did it because you don't take no for an answer

"You will be meeting me on a date at Hooray the ice cream pace at 7:30pm tomorrow " you told me as you leaned in grabbing my arm. I should have said no but I was worried of what you were capable of

"Okay, don't have to grab hold of my arm" I told you before walking back to Liam

"Does she need to be sorted out grabbing you like that" Liam asked as he stood up

"Not just yet, she wants to take me on a date tomorrow but I'm not going" I told him because I couldn't be bothered to deal with your crap Gigi.

It was three days after when you decided to be an idiot. It was also the same day you came to me telling me you had killed Safaa and you showed me a picture of her lying lifeless on the cold,hard ground with blood around him, which made me run straight out of class punching walls

So I got Liam to sort you out because I knew you wouldn't tell me where Safaa would be, even Taylor knew so by the end of it we finally found out where Safaa was and you lied about killing her but you're good at lying right Gigi?

I hope you're happy Gigi cause Safaa was in a coma for a week and then when she woke up, ehe wouldn't speak to me and my mum and dad hated me as well but at least they forgave me in the end, hey.

At least you was sent to prison but you're dad bailed you out cause he didn't think you deserved to be locked up

But I don't have to worry about you now because you wouldn't come nowhere near us

Never trust a girl like Gigi because they never think of thime actions only the love life

As soon as Zayn finished talking I pulled out my headphones and went to the bathroom and did some stuff which I know Liam and Louis would kill me for.

As soon as I was done I went back into my room and looked at my phone which was singing a happy little tune indicating that someone was calling me and that someone was Liam and by looks he had tried to ring me since I ran out of school so I decided to answer it

Hiya Liam,

Don't hiya Liam me Mr,where are you

At home,why

Right I'm coming over

As soon as he said that, he hung up so I was left thinking to myself which is never a good thing for me.

It didn't take Liam long only about 5 minutes so he must have speeded over hime

"Niall, are you for real" Liam said as soon as he walked through the door

"What do you mean babe" I replied though I knew what he meant

"Why run away from Louis, when he told you to stay because he knows what you do, did you forget he found you" Liam reminded me before bringing me In for a hug

"I'm sorry" I spoke as I inhaled the scent of his aftershave which smelt very fruity

"Don't be sorry love, but I know you did it again it's not that hard to guess boo" Liam told me which made me feel guilty

"Mum will be back in a minute, do you want dinner with my family" I asked, secretly needing his cuddles because cuddling is so helpful to calm down and not deal with stuff.

"Of course I'll have dinner here, if that's okay with your mum and dad" Liam replied

"Yeah I'm sure it'll be okay they love you" I told him before breaking the hug to close the door but before I could dad came walking up the pathway

"Hi my two favourite lads , how are you both" my dad cheerfully said as he came in

"We're good thank you Mr Horan" Liam replied

"Hey dad, is it okay if Liam stays for dinner" I asked

"Of course" dad replied

The rest of the evening went okay until after Liam left then mum and dad was back fighting again so I went upstairs and clicked play on file 2.......

13 Reasons why (Niall Horan story) Ziall And NiamWhere stories live. Discover now