Two blondes and an angry angel.

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The days kind of blurred together into a mush of blurry images and pain- lots of pain, but there was always one constant among Freya's half-formed memories. There was a blonde boy, he's always sitting in the corner of her view. His eyes are a deep shade of blue, like the sky, clear and unmovable. The first memory she had of him he was standing by the door, clutching the hilt of his Imperial gold sword. His face was a mix of fear and worry, the deep lines etched in his forehead made him look older than he was. There was no mistaking the blood stains soaked into his white shirt and smeared across his hands and biceps.

The last image Freya had of him, he was asleep in the chair by her bedside, his head was coked to the side, his mouth wide open and a trail of drool was running down the side of his face. He was still wearing the same bloodied shirt but his skin was no longer painted in crimson. The sight of him was equal amounts of adorable and disgusting. She didn't know his name and hasn't heard his voice but she could pick his face out of a crowd without taking a second glance. It was a disconcerting feeling, realizing that this strange boy has been by her side since she arrived. The only person who has ever been kind to her is Nico Di Angelo, everyone Freya has ever met has been terrified of her, afraid of what she could do to them but Nico was different, he took her off the streets when she was ten years old, gave her a safe place to live with clean water and food that wasn't rescued out of a dumpster. He rescued her and there is nothing Freya can do to repay him for everything he's done for her but that won't stop her from trying.

It would come to no surprise to Freya if the blonde was here to make sure she did not harm those in this infernal camp.

She traced the tips of her fingers over the white scars littering her pale arms. She must have been unconscious for longer than she originally thought because the majority of her wounds had healed, including the deep wound that had plagued her left side which was now little more than an angry red scar.

Golden, honey eyes scanned the small room. The sun had come up long ago, bathing the small room in a bright glow. The only window in the room was small and sat on the far wall to the right but it was in such a place that it caught the sun head-on, the bright light coupled with the pale blue walls and the bright yellow door was sickening and made the room appear far too bright and upbeat. There wasn't anything that could be done to make the room more appealing unless they bulldoze the place and started from scratch.

Slowly Freya lowered herself back against the mountain of colorful pillows, being careful not to jostle her aching back. The only upside of ending up at Camp Half-Blood was that the bed was as soft as a feather, it was like lying on a fluffy cloud. Just as Freya was beginning to get comfortable the door squeaked open. A mop of blonde hair poked around the hideous yellow door. At first glance, he looked like the strange boy who has stuck by her side these last few days but upon further inspection, she realized he was not. He had the same blonde hair and the same deep blue eyes but that was where the similarities stopped. This blonde was tall but not freakishly so, he had a light dusting of freckles over his nose but it was barely noticeable under his dark tan, the kind of tan you get after spending several hours a day lying under the hot sun. "Morning," he greeted warmly. He moved further into the room, leaving the door open behind him. He was wearing a pair of green scrubs which wouldn't have been so unsettling if he wasn't also wearing bright orange sandals.

"You probably don't remember me," at Freya's flat look he continued, "I'm Will Solace, lead medic here at camp and Head counselor of the Apollo Cabin."Of course, he is Apollo's boy, how could she not have realized that this blonde moron was the child of the bigger blonde moron.

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