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Harry's POV

We were all sitting in Ben's office, waiting for the fairy godmother to come and speak with us. The room looked almost identical to the Beast's, except Ben's office had a door to his bedroom. Ben's office also felt a lot less sophisticated. I looked at Mal. She was so much happier than I've seen since four years ago. I missed her bright and happy smile, glowing upon me. "I just wanted to thank you all for your help and support, guys. Especially Harry. Uma probably would never have been captured if it wasn't for you" Ben thanked, giving me a shy smile. I watched him as he reached across his desk and grabbed Mal's hand, who was sitting in a chair right in front of the desk. Once again, I gave Ben a quick nod and turned away. I couldn't stand to look at him and Mal. It was like she wasn't in love with me anymore. A couple minutes later, the Fairy Godmother walked in. "Greetings, everyone," she said in her annoying voice that sounded like she was high on helium. "Hello, Fairy Godmother. So, you have put Uma in jail and raided her of her powers, correct?" Ben asked with this serious look on his face. "That is correct. She will never be able to hurt anyone ever again. Let's carry on. Ben, your father mentioned to me about the, uh, incident in the forest, recently. What exactly happened. I might be able to explain how you were able to come back alive." "Well, when Uma spelled me, I went flying into a tree. After that-" Ben looked at me, then to Mal. I sort of turned my back on him and let him explain. "Mal rushed over to me... and kissed me before I... I passed away? My friends told me that I came back alive about a minute later. Why?" The Fairy Godmother took all of the information in, taking a minute to think. "Well, there is only one reason I can think of. It's like how every spell can be broken by a true love's kiss. I'm guessing it's the same thing." Everyone's eyes turned to me. "I have to go," I stuttered. I got up and quickly exited. I couldn't believe my ears. Did the Fairy Godmother actually just say that Mal and Ben are supposed to be together? I could hear Mal calling for me, but I ignored her, my vision starting to get blurry. I guess villains really never get what they want.

"Harry, can I come in?" Mal asked softly from the outside of my door. I've been sitting in my room for over an hour, refusing to let anyone come in. "Go away, Mal! I don't want to talk to you!" I growled loudly. I felt so broken, as if someone had just stabbed me in the heart. Why me? All I've ever done for Mal was to protect her. I loved her. I curled up under my fluffy bedsheets, letting myself slip into a dreamless sleep.

"Harry! It's Ben! Can I please talk to you?" It was early in the morning, and I had been daydreaming, sulking in my room. "Fine." I wanted to hear his excuse. To be angry with him, and to let my anger out on him. Afterall, it was his fault I was miserable. I saw Ben enter the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He stood tall, his crown tilted on his head, frowning at me. "Harry, I truly am sorry. I understand how much you love her. You have always been there for her, when I was the one who kicked her out of Auradon. I do hope the two of you take my offer and stay here in Auradon," he whispered. I knew he was the King and all, but I just couldn't keep my anger inside anymore. "You know what, I refuse to stay here. I never want to see this place again, and I am leaving this place the second I get the chance, with or without Mal!" I yelled at him. I turned my back away from the devil but continued to speak "Mal needs to choose between us. She can't have us both because if she's mine, I'm not sharing. Do we have a deal?" "If that is what you wish for, I will speak with her about it." "No. I will speak with her. You can leave now. I won't be here. I will be searching for her. Bye," I said coldly. I pointed toward the door, and he left. I was going to settle this argument once and for all.

Mal+Harry Hook: Chillin Like a VillainWhere stories live. Discover now