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Harry's POV
That night, my sleep was restless. I dreamt about Ben stealing Mal from me and them getting married again.
I awoke that morning to a knock on my door. I got up and peeked through the little hole in the door. It was Evie. I opened it up and she shoved me out of the way, slammed the door and started talking. "Ben has ordered that you and Mal are not allowed to leave your rooms until tomorrow morning, since no one knows about you. The only people you can open this door for is one of us. The group we were with last night. There will be a do not disturb sign on your door so all the maids know to not come in. Understood?" "Yup." We sat down on the bed together, looking at each other with lonely eyes. I could tell that she was happy to be back in Auradon. It was amazing, all of the beautiful buildings, boats, forests, everything. I could get used to living here, but after Uma is dealt with, I will probably be sent back to the Isle. "Evie, what's it like her compared to the Isle?" "Well, for starters, the food is much better. Sometimes it is hard to fit in since I'm a villain kid, but overall, I feel like I actually have a home and a family. Ben has been really inclusive to us VK's, which make us feel like family. I wouldn't trade the feeling for the world." She smiled happily and I tried to do the same, but my smile must have looked forced.
The next morning I was up early. Evie had slipped into my room with a plate of food that I gobbled up. I had lost my appetite yesterday so I didn't eat anything. "Ok. So the plan is for Carlos, Jay, Mal, three guards, you, and I, are going to head down to the forest where Ben's picnic is at 11:40. Everyone else will be in the dungeons for when we get back. I have to go speak with everyone else so I'll see you in a bit." Evie quickly and quietly walked out my door and left me in my thoughts. I hoped Uma wouldn't attack anyone and all of our plans will run smoothly.
"Harry? Time to go!" I heard Mal through the door. I grabbed my pirate hat and swung the door open to see all of my old friends with a couple guards. I took Mal's hand and quickly gave her a quick peck on the lips before travelling down the hallways and out a secret entrance that led into the forest. The closer the guards led us to the picnic place, the closer I got to Mal, until I was holding onto to her at her waist tightly. "Are you ok, Harry?" She whispered into my ear. "I'm just a little tense. I can't let anything happen to you after you being captured."
"Ok. We are about a two minute walk from their picnic. In 10 minutes we are going to go collect Uma and the rest of you will come one minute after us. Understood?" The guard on the left asked. He was tall with light brown, buzz cutted hair. His eyes were a brilliant shade of blue. "Of course. Come on guys. Let's go sit down on the grass over there." Mal pointed to a small little area near a big tree so we could rest. We had driven in a car for a part of the way, but for the rest of it we had to walk since there wasn't a road. The five of us sat down except for Carlos who was instructing Dude to go and distract Uma before the guards showed up.
"Time for us to go. In a minute, we expect you to follow us," the guard in the middle said. The guards set off in a march down the little pathway to go ruin the couple's picnic. "EXCUSE ME BUT WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, ARRESTING ME?!" Uma shouted. I guess that was our cue to run and help.

Mal+Harry Hook: Chillin Like a VillainWhere stories live. Discover now