Chapter 15

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Jacks POV

'Come on. It'll be fun" Jane pleaded. 

I looked in her in the eyes and answered

"No, last time Sally made me wear a tiara."

"I promise you won't have to wear a tiara this time."

"Why do you want me to join so badly, hm?"

She froze for a second before smiling.

"Sally wants you to join us. It will be fun I promise." She answered.

"Why do you guys want me? Jessica is joining you guys isn't she ?" 

"Uh Slenderman called her to do a job so she left a few minutes ago" She quickly said.

I felt a slight bit of disappointment but I shook it off.

"...Fine, I'll do it." I said in defeat. 

"Great! Actually, I have a little outfit for you." Jane pipped.


She gave me a small glare and I knew I wouldn't win this argument. I sighed in defeat and she clapped her hands before dragging me to my closet. She pulled out a formalish looking outfit and I looked at her with confusion. She couldn't see my face, but she knew I was giving her a confused look. <<<Jack's outfit

"I got you this a while ago. I had a feeling it would come in handy soon." She answered. I nodded slowly and grasped the outfit. It was a blue shirt with black dress pants.

"I'll be off now! I'll come back when Sally is ready" Jane hollered before running off.

I closed the door and began changing.

~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

Jane came back and she was smiling broadly. She beckoned me to follow her and I did. We made our way to the dinning room and I finally spoke

"Do I seriously have to do this?" I asked while looking at her. 

She nodded and I turned around. I saw a girl standing there. She was wearing a pink dress and she looked like Jessica from behind. 

"Is that Jessica? But Jane said she left." I thought to myself. The girl turned and my questions had been answered. It was Jessica. She looked beautiful and I could feel the heat rushing to my face.

"J-Jessica" I stuttered. "Oh no, I stuttered."

Her face was getting red as she looked me up and down. I couldn't help but do the same.

  "You look... different" We both said.  

Jessica looked behind me and I saw her glare at who I presumed was Sally.

"You look pretty though" I whispered.

She froze and looked back at me. Her face got even redder. "She looked so cute blushing. What am I saying!? She just a friend..."

She muttered a thank you and I mentally face palmed for what I said. I guess this was Sally and Jane's plan.

"Are we going to have a tea party or are you two just going to gawk at each?" Sally asked causing me to tear my eyes away. She was smiling and I shot her a small glare. Jessica turned to one of the chairs and I pulled it out for her before she grabbed it. She looked at me and thanked me. She looked so pretty dressed like that l I couldn't talk all I could do was nod. I took the seat next to her and Sally announced that the tea party. She poured the tea into the cups and we all took one.I stared at my cup in awe.

"They are so PINK" 

I felt Jessica nudge me and I turned to look at her.

"Why are you staring at the cup as if its going to move?" She asked.

I traced handle of the cup, mentally cringing at amount of pink, before turning back to look at her.

"Why...Why is there so much pink?" I asked with a serious tone. She began laughing and I felt a smile tug at my lips.

I don't know dude. Let's just hope we survive this tea party" She responded dramatically.

I chuckled at her response and sipped on the surprisingly good tea. We continued our conversation and I smiled at the sight of her pink cheeks.

AN:(PLEASE READ)Hey guys!! I 'm sorry I didn't post the new chapter last week because responsibilities and homework ew. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter in Jacks POV! Please comment if you guys want more chapters in Jack's POV or just comment anything in general. Also don't forget to vote it means a lot to me!! Hope you guys have a great week and I'll see if I can post another chapter next week. Since, I'm a highschool student I don't always have time to update frequently so please bear with me. Okay this AN is way too long so as usual love you readers bye!!!

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