Chapter 7

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The journey back home was silent. We entered the mansion and Slenderman showed me to my room. The guys left the bags they were carrying down and I began unpacking. Soon I was drowsy and I looked at the time on my iPod. "Wow it's 12:41 already" I said sleepily. "I'm gonna say goodnight to Toby and then head to bed" I thought to myself.

I opened the door and I came face to face with Jack. We were inches away from each other and I felt my breath hitch in embarrassment. I stepped back but remained silent feeling my face get slightly red. "Hey Uh I um just wanted to say that if we could pretend what happened earlier never happened" he said stuttering. "Yeah that would be excellent" I said. "OK well I'll see you tomorrow goodnight" Jack said. "Goodnight" I said while giving him a small smile. He walked away and I stepped inside and closed the door.

"Damn it I forgot to tell Toby goodnight" I whispered to myself while face palming. "Eh Oh well" I said before changing into my pjs and jumping on my bed. I crawled under covers and yawned. I smiled slightly as I realized this would be the first night sleeping knowing that I wasn't alone anymore. I soon fell asleep with a ghost smile playing upon my lips.

An: Hey readers sorry for taking to long to update but I hoped you enjoyed this small chapter. I will try to add chapter 8 by the end if the week. Please vote and comment and thanks for reading byee.

Silence is the worst Killer (EyelessJack) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now