Chapter 42: Last Rehearsal

Start from the beginning

I run to the other side of the stage where the scene is the town.

The rats on the street

All dance round my feet

They seem to say

"Tracy, it's up to you"

So, oh, oh

Don't hold me back

'Cause today all my dreams will come true

Then, everyone runs out dressed as civilians.

Emily-Grace (everyone singing too):

Good morning Baltimore

 There's the flasher who lives next door

Jake wears a coat and hat, and he pretends to flash Kitty.

There's the bum on his bar room stool

They wish me luck on my way to school

We look to the side and we see Ryder as the bum on the bar stool.

Good morning Baltimore

And some day when I take to the floor

The world's gonna wake up and see

Baltimore and me

Some people go to the side of the stage and we all dance together.


I know every step

I know every song

I know there's a place where I belong

I walk to the other side of the stage where a bunch of girls stand.

I see all those party lights shining ahead

So someone invite me

Before I drop dead!

So, Oh, Oh

Give me a chance

All of the girls grab out their sunglasses and they put them on.

'Cause when i start to dance i'm a movie star

Oh, oh, oh

Something inside of me makes me move

When i hear the groove

My ma tells me no

But my feet tell me go!

It's like a drummer inside my heart

I then walk to the centre of the stage.

Oh, oh, oh

Don't make me wait

One more moment for my life to start...

Good morning, good morning

Waiting for my life to start

I do a little dance while I wait for my part.

Emily-Grace (everyone singing too):

I love you Baltimore

Every day's like an open door

Every night is a fantasy

Every sound's like a symphony

And i promise Baltimore

That some day when

I take to the floor

The world's gonna wake up and see

Gonna wake up and see

Baltimore and me...

Everyone starts to walk off stage.


Baltimore and me...

Baltimore and me!

The (Hairspray musical) school bell rings and my smile fades. The Auditorium then goes dark.

The lights go back on and everyone claps. I smile.

"That was a great performance everyone," Artie said and I smile. "Alright. After school, we will finish rehearsing the rest of the school play." We all nod.

"Alright everyone, get dressed because your next class starts in...5 minutes," Mr Shue said and I run offstage.

While I'm grabbing my clothes, I feel arms around my waist. I smile and I turn around. I kiss Ryder on his tender lips.

"You were great," he said and I smile.

"Thanks babe. You were great too," I said and he smiles. "So, are you ready for New York?" I shake my head.

"I gotta go through some of my mum's stuff and pack all of my stuff," I said and I sigh. "Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to know if I still have time to convince you to stay," he said and I sigh again.

"You can't convince me to stay," I said and he smiles.

"That's where you're wrong," he said. He looks up and he sees someone. "I gotta go, babe." He kisses my cheek and runs off.

I turn around to find Ryder walking towards Jake.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said and he smiles.

"Meet me at your locker for your birthday present," he said and I nod.

Oh yeah. It's my birthday tomorrow. I can't wait. My brothers want to do something special for me.

I grab my bag and I walk alone to the bathroom.

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