Chapter 13: The Date

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Ryder POV


Lucas walks over to me.

"Hey Ryder. Can I ask for some advice?" He asks.

"Sure. What about?" I ask.

"Well, it's about Emily. You see, I'm going to a date with her on Thursday and I have no idea what to do. Can you help me?" He asks.

"Well, she hates..."

Wait, if I tell him that she loves the water, then he'll take her somewhere with water and she'll not want to go out with him again. I mean, she doesn't need Lucas in her life. Lucas is a bad influence.

"What were you saying?" Lucas asks.

"Oh, she loves the water," I said. He nods and he smiles.

"Thanks Ryder," he said and he runs off.

Perfect. He'll ruin the date and Em will be safe again.

Emily-Grace POV


I stop at my locker and I grab some books out.

"Hey goregeous." I smile and I turn around.

"Hey Lucas," I said. I then grab his Football jacket from my locker. "Here. Thanks for letting me borrow it." He smiles.

"No problem," he said and he holds the jacket in his hands.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask. He just hands the jacket back to me.

"Here. You can wear it for today," he said and I smile.

"Really?" I said and he nods. I then put it on. "Thanks." I close my locker door and I kiss him on the cheek. I then walk off. I turn around a corner and I see Ryder. He smiles at me. I nervously smile back.

"Hey Em," he said and he looks at the jacket.

"Ryder, this doesn't mean..." I said, but he then interrupts me.

"It's okay, I don't care. I'm not your boyfriend anymore," Ryder said and he starts to walk away. I grab his shoulder and I spin him around.

"Yeah, you aren't my boyfriend anymore, but you're still my friend, right?" I said with a little smile. He sighs and he continues to walk away. I sigh and I walk the other direction. I then bump into Marley.

"Oh, hey," Marley said.

"Oh, hey," I said to Marley.

"So, I've heard that you and Ryder have broke up, and that you are going out with Lucas," she said. I roll my eyes.

"Yes and no. I dumped Ryder weeks ago and I'm not going out with Lucas," I said. She looks at me confused.

"Then why are you wearing his Football jacket?" She asks.

You hate her. Don't tell her about the date. Say something and walk away.

"None of your business. Now, I have to get to class," I said and I walk away with my head held high.

This time, I listened to the voice in my head. It actually felt...good.


I hear a car horn go off. I look out the window and I see Lucas waiting for me at the car. I smile, and I turn to face Michaela and Rose.

"Girls, do I look alright?" I ask.

I'm wearing a dress (with black on the top part and white on the bottom part), some converse, and a necklace that says 'love'.

Junior Year (Sequel to Start Off Fresh)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon